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Should I keep taking acyclovir?


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I’ve just had my second outbreak not even a month later but it’s definitely no way near as bad as the first. I took acyclovir when I woke up in the morning with a new blister to nip it in the bud. My doctor said to take 2x 400mg tablets 3 times a day for 2 days which I’ve done. The 2 original blisters have already basically cleared but now a day after completing the acyclovir treatment I’ve just got another blister. Do I take another round of 2x 400mg 3 times a day for 2 days or could this new blisters be leftover from this outbreak? I’m so new to all of this and I’m very confused on how it all works. Please can someone help. 



Some people just get a few outbreaks and some like us keep getting them again and again. But the good news is that over a period of time they become less frequent.

If your outbreaks are frequent then your doctor might suggest you to go on supression . Which means you have to keep taking the tablets over a period of time.

You might also want to observe what you are eating . Foods high in arginine  may trigger continious outbreaks . The hsv virus uses arginine  (which is an amino acid) to multiply . So observe your diet.

Besides,  this hard time that you are experiencing will pass and you will learn to live with the virus. You are not alone. This community  is very supportive ❤️ 

God bless 

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