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Need advice on casual dating

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I recently ended a LTR and discovered an app where people are very open about their sexuality and partnership preferences (FWB, dating, poly, etc). We're all human and have desires and needs.

It's a question of morals, I suppose.

How do I handle these situations? Do I just avoid casual sex? How do I tell a potential partner?

I tested positive for HSV-2 probably 6 years ago. I have been fortunate to have only had one outbreak, which is how I discovered I had it in the first place. 

Hopefully I've expressed my issue clearly. 

Thanks in advance for the help!


  • 4 weeks later...


Sorry for the delayed reply. 

This is a great question. 

Definitely disclose that you have HSV. Just as it is not shameful to talk about sex and your desires, it is not shameful to disclose sexual health things. Open communication is honest and respectful. When you talk to them about it (definitely before sex occurs, and not in the heat of the moment) take that as a moment to ask them about their sexual health as well to protect yourself and encourage open dialogue. 

I hope this helps! 🙂 



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