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Gay Men living with an HSV2 diagnosis

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Hey there! I’m a fairly young gay man (24) who recently got diagnosed with HSV2. Looking back, I know Grindr has been a vector for promiscuous hookups within the gay community, and even if I wore condoms, I recognize the reality that it is fairly inevitable given the numbers game we play in the gay community. I was just wondering if there were any other gay men who found out their status and was still able to navigate actual relationships. I highly doubt casual sex is going to be for me, especially now that I have this diagnosis. I just see a lot of posts about heterosexual relationships but since HSV is more prevalent in the gay community, is it easier or are people more understanding? Honestly just incredibly anxious overall and seem to doomscroll and then get sad that I might be alone forever. 


Sorry to hear about the diagnosis.

I honestly don't believe that hsv is more prevalent in the gay community. I just don't believe that I would have a higher chance of hsv if I simply had feelings for a man. Feelings don't mean sex. I don't even trust the statistics much because I know some gays that are terrified of coming out or publicly disclosing their sexuality. How can a society collect accurate statistics of a people that it's mistreating or under-representing? But if gay men truly had more herpes infections than other men, I honestly would blame a society that's mistreating and banishing them. When a person is banished or alienated, he or she may be more susceptible or less informed of dangers like STIs. And predators are quick to infect lone prey. For example, I am hererosexual and my parents never taught me much about STIs, if at all. But some gay man get evicted by family for being themselves, so they don't even get a chance to be informed about STIs by their parents.

Anyhow, I hope you find some gay men here. I know you are not alone.

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