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Newly Diagnosed Give Me All The Info

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Hello! I was diagnosed yesterday after struggling with my first outbreak out of state at a work conference. My significant other has tested negative but is showing symptoms similar to what I had. I just want to know the ins and outs of what living with this diagnosis is. When is it safe to have sex, what do we need to do to be safe? What are some pro tips and tricks for living with this as smoothly as possible. Is suppressive therapy the best course of treatment or just take the antiviral med when I notice the onset of an outbreak? All of the help is much appreciated! It’s been a whirlwind of emotions in the past 24 hours, but I am trying to be as positive as possible. 



I will try my best to answer some of the questions the best I can

If your significant other is having similar symptoms and its like fluid like blisters, I would have them go get swabbed.  Sometimes the blood testing can come back negative if its too early.  

I believe it is safe to continue sexual activity about 8 days after symptoms are gone.  Which includes tingling, itchiness or pain.  

Obviously condoms and dental dams are the safe option but if your significant other is showing signs as well then there is a possibility that both of you have it.  Do you know what type of HSV that you have?  I know the transmission rates are different between HSV1 and HSV2.  

You can take suppressive medication if you have frequent outbreaks or you can chose to take them only when you feel an outbreak coming on.  I started taking them everyday but then I realized I will never know if I have frequent outbreaks if I don't have give my body a chance to figure it out for itself.  

I definitely understand the whirlwind of emotions but you have come to the right place and everything will be okay 🙂 I have had this for 7 years and have only had one outbreak in July of this year.  So im still learning as well. 

  • Thanks 1
  • 4 weeks later...

I've got HSV-2 as well. I've been dealing with it my entire life. I always keep a little bottle of Releev on me. I find, that for me, it works better than Abreva. It's a little pricey at around 20ish dollars a bottle, but it lasts a really long time and a little goes a long way. You can find it at CVS and Walgreens so there's usually a coupon floating around.  If they ever start getting painful, I just place a gentle ice pack on them to help the ouch go away.

Other than that, I would recommend that you learn your triggers. Mine are stress and cold so I know to be on the lookout when I get stressed. If I feel a tingle, I can put a little Releev on the area to hopefully avoid an active outbreak.

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