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Oral Sex and medication question

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I have been HSV2 positive for 1 year and I haven't been with anyone since the person that gave it to me. I stopped taking daily meds because I wasn’t sexually active and had rare breakouts (I do take it if I feel a tingle down there). I recently started dating someone and the topic of sex is going to come up. If he doesn't run once I disclose I will take daily meds again. My questions are:

Is there any benefits/negative sides to not taking daily meds when you aren’t sexually active?

How long should I take the meds before we become active?

What do you guys do to protect your partner when you’re receiving oral sex? Do most use a mouth guard or just take chance because youre on meds?

Any tips would be appreciated! TIA



  • 2 weeks later...


Great questions. 

There are benefits to taking suppressive medication, especially if you have painful reoccurring outbreaks and it prevents you from living a happy pain-free life. If you have nerve issues or symptoms that linger, taking suppressive medication can also help. The only negative I can think of is paying extra money for the extra medication, but your health is worth the money! 🙂 Also, if money is an issue, ask your doctor to write a multi-month prescription so it's just one copay for multiple months. 

In terms of taking the medication before becoming active, I am unsure of how soon you should start taking it. For those who do not take daily suppressives, they only take the medication when they feel an outbreak occurring/is occurring, and then after that they wait until they are a full week symptom-free. If you aren't experiencing symptoms, perhaps a week of taking the suppressive medication or maybe two weeks prior would help put your mind at ease. You should talk to your doctor about it, I am honestly unsure! 

In regards to oral sex, suppressive medication is helpful, and oral mouth guards or condoms are protective barriers as well. If you are concerned but are worried it might not be as "fun", try flavored condoms or dental dams. People with H still can live happy and healthy sex lives! 🙂 

I hope this helps! 



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