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Recurrent Outbreaks

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I have had hsv2 for the pass 4 years with multiple out breaks throughout that period However I have found that I have 2 back to back outbreaks last month and this month right before my period. On top of that I have a burning in my butt region and nerve pain in my buttocks going down one leg. In addition, I fell ill with the last out breaks. I took medication for the very first time and it worked well however as soon as I was finished everything returned. I have been very stressed out, depressed and worried these last 8 weeks. Is anyone else experiencing these symptoms?


Psa I don’t want to fear monger anyone since everyone’s experience is different and I feel like I have a rare condition.

Omg wow, honestly I have been feeling super alone about this but something told me to log on and read about what others are going through just because I feel so awful about my situation. I’ve had hsv for almost two years now, it has honestly been the worst curse on me im always getting outbreaks. I used to be so healthy and happy and I just feel like I have been deteriorating mentally dealing with constant reoccurring outbreaks. I know it’s not super super common but I just feel so alone. My doctors honestly haven’t even helped me, I did blood tests and they all say I’m normal and nothing abnormal. I feel like I’m sick, I feel like my body is constantly fighting. I get outbreaks every month, it started as a small bump on my genitalia and then two weeks later my palm broke out and from that point every month my hand would blister, and rarely my labia would break out and then I had small outbreaks on my anus. It has moved to different spots on my body, doctors have said I have shingles but I have no idea why my body has been reacting the way it has to this virus I eat healthy I exercise, sleep well, and manage my stress better than most. Yet here I am dealing with this, this month has been the worst yet. I attempted to try and not take medication to see if my body would be able to clear the outbreak on its own, because I just feel so dependent on the medication and yea biggest mistake ever it spread horribly. And is taking forever to heal. I will be going to the doctors to get more tests done soon, I am feeling like there is something deeper happening within my body that is still not clear and I hope to find clarity soon. There have been many ups and downs and I really thought that after all this time I would have l had less outbreaks from the first. But anyway sending you good healing energy and drink lots of water!


Taking lysine has helped me and I have upped my magnesium, zinc and vit b


Thanks for your reply. I read about lysine and I just started to take magnesium and zinc. I also mix tea tree oil with coconut oil and use a swab to apply it directly to the sore and I have found that it works super quick to dry it up 2-3 days it's gone. Sorry that you feel the way you are feeling and have to go through this. This virus is horrible, I hope they find a vaccine/ cure soon for this. Wish you all the best and hope you get some relief soon.

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