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HSV Symptoms Triggered by Covid Booster

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I've had GHSV1 for 6 years. The first years I had a lot of different neuropathy and nervous system issues. They calmed down to the point I only had very slight symptoms of any. Just got the new Covid booster on 10/15 and I started getting the burning butt, back pain nerve pain in my legs. I am hoping that my immune system will bounce back and get this nueropathy calmed down. A little worried. Anybody else having issues after getting the last newest booster?


Hi! I just responded to another post about this. Totally possible! Our bodies go into overdrive after the covid shot to produce new antibodies, and it basically takes energy away from the antibodies we produce naturally towards HSV after infection. So it gives HSV a little more room to be annoying and pesky. The more you build covid antibodies, the more your body will start to “remember” and your inflammatory response will be faster. So each subsequent booster should (in theory), get better! The less energy we spend making covid antibodies the more energy we can spend towards HSV antibodies. 

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