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GHSV1 Transmission Questions

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I have read that there are different strains of the HSV1 and HSV2 virus. Some are more nuero-invasive than others supposedly. My question is if I have GHSV1 that is one strain will my partner who has a different Oral HSV1 strain for years be protected from transmission of my GSHV1 strain? 

This might be a question for a researcher or scientist but in general does anyone have an idea?

Thanks, Michael


@Flowerteacher55 yes, there are different strains of HSV 1 and HSV 2. There are around 50 strains of HSV 1 and as @Seeker1960 already pointed some of them are more neuroinvasive than others. Like other viruses, HSV mutates too and as a result you have several different strains of HSV 1 or 2.

@Seeker1960you raised an interesting question. I never thougt about this before. I tried to find some scientific research about this and couldn't find any. In my opinion your partner should be protected from getting infected genitally if your partner is immunocompetent. The most important thing is that HSV 1 sheds really rarely and it's rarely transmitted by genital intercourse. 


@Bloomer Thank you for your response and confirming that there are different strains of HSV. I am not sure of how I was infected whether it was through receptive oral or through intercourse. 

I am lately experiencing a lot different nueropathy symptoms after the past few years of hardly noticeable symptoms. Taking the last Covid Booster did something to my immune system and the HSV seems to have fired up. Have you heard about LDN Low Dose Naltrexone to treat nueropathic pain?


Unfortunately every vaccine has an impact on our immune system which becomes really busy for some time after vaccination and then HSV probably uses that opportunity to reactivate. I'm a strong believer that your symptoms will lessen but unfortunately it will take some time in order for nerve pain calm down.

I've heard about LDN but wasn't able to find a doctor who is willing to prescribe it. Did you try it? I've read mixed reviews about it. 

And one more question...have you ever been tested for all neurotropic viruses? 


@Bloomer The good news is that the nerve pain isn't constant. It comes and goes and it kind of manifests in different ways. It seems a little less but does have me a little worried because of my age. I'm 62 and worry that my immune system will get weaker and let the HSV run amok. I am trying to stay healthy and work a fee more years if I can.

I tried LDN like 5 years ago but I can't recall how effective it was. I kind of remember thinking it may have helped some. I know it doesn't work for everybody and you have to tweak the dosage to see what works. 

I just came across a compounding pharmacy online that has it at the 4.5mg dosage so I am thinking about giving it another try. It's not really expensive like pain drugs and doesn't have the kind of down side of pain drugs. I'm lucky I do have an Dr. who will prescribe it for me.

I haven't been tested for neurotropic viruses. I will ask my Doctor to run some other tests.


Ask for testing just to see is there something else going on. Cytomegalovirus which is also in herpes group of viruses can cause all plethora of symptoms including nerve issues. So if you have few active infections this can really throw you out of balance. 

In order to calm down things you first need to reduce viral activity and then take supplements for calming nerve system and improving nerve health. 

I know this is stupid question but did you ever try takind standard antivirals? I did but acyclovir does nothing for me. 


@Bloomer I did try the generic Valtrex valacyclovir and I didn't notice any decrease in my symptoms. I am taking various supplements to improve nerve health and strengthen my immune system. I'm Taking that Lion's Mane that you mentioned and a few other B complex vitamins. I will see about the CMV test but I think it is just the HSV firing up. I feel a little better in the past couple of days so I am hopefully on track to getting back to where I was.

Thanks again for your advice and encouragement. 


No need to thank me. We are here to exchange our experience and to give support to each other.

I know exactly what you are going through. I am dealing with these atypical symptoms over a decade and I completely understand fear and desperation that comes with this condition. 

As for standard antivirals, they didn't help me either so for the last few years I turned to natural remedies. 

Glad to hear your symptoms are improving. This is a good sign. 🙂


Hi Bloomer

In regards to CMV, can they cause Neurological symptoms? I did have an IgG Antibody test come back abnormally High for CMV but the doctors brushed it off as nothing to be worried about. 
HSV 1 a very low positive and HSV2 still Negative.


@Bloomer I have been getting a funny feeling in my head from time to time. Like a pressure at the top of my head and also like behind my nose. Make my nose feel tingling and slightly numb. Just something that has come about with the re-emergence of these different neuropathic symptoms.

@Bloomer How has your HSV nueropathy affected your ability to work and function? I want to stay working for like 4 more years if possible and I worry that this will affect that plan especially the way I have been feeling lately. 


@Bloomer One other thing I experienced was some  dysautonomia in the early part of my infection. I had gastroparesis ( lost a lot of weight had to drink a lot of smoothiesand milk shakes), I wouldn't sweat, I had positional hypotension but these went back to normal after awhile. Not sure if is happening again. Having sleep disturbances from possible Central Sleep Apnea. Getting that evaluated soon.


@Seeker1960 luckily I didn't experience gastroparesis but I had feeling of electric shocks through my whole body, had severe burning on my lips and mouth, pin and needles in my hands and legs, severe pain in my sacrum and severe weakness in my legs and then I developed symptoms which are consistent with pudendal neuralgia. I never had those symptoms before contracting HSV. At one point my neurologist thought I was having multiple sclerosis but that was ruled out.

I must say that my giver had mild course of HSV infection, unfortunately I wasn't that lucky and that's why is really important to disclose because we never know how HSV will impact others. Luckily most people who are HSV positive will have really mild symptoms and seldom outbreaks. 

I had really hard time with HSV related neuropathy and it was really life altering experience for me which affected every aspect of my life. Even though it was really hard to live with that amount of nerve pain I managed to pursue career and I am still working. I think it's really important to stay active even though we are in pain. With time I learned what is helping me and how to reduce levels of pain so I managed to live life and be happy despite this shitty neuropathy. 


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18 hours ago, Ironman22 said:

Hi Bloomer

In regards to CMV, can they cause Neurological symptoms? I did have an IgG Antibody test come back abnormally High for CMV but the doctors brushed it off as nothing to be worried about. 
HSV 1 a very low positive and HSV2 still Negative.

If I remember correctly CMV can also cause neurological symptoms but usually in people who are immunocompromised. The best thing for you would be to check this with infectious disease doctor or immunologist if you can. 

3 hours ago, Bloomer said:

@Seeker1960 luckily I didn't experience gastroparesis but I had feeling of electric shocks through my whole body, had severe burning on my lips and mouth, pin and needles in my hands and legs, severe pain in my sacrum and severe weakness in my legs and then I developed symptoms which are consistent with pudendal neuralgia. I never had those symptoms before contracting HSV. At one point my neurologist thought I was having multiple sclerosis but that was ruled out.

I must say that my giver had mild course of HSV infection, unfortunately I wasn't that lucky and that's why is really important to disclose because we never know how HSV will impact others. Luckily most people who are HSV positive will have really mild symptoms and seldom outbreaks. 

I had really hard time with HSV related neuropathy and it was really life altering experience for me which affected every aspect of my life. Even though it was really hard to live with that amount of nerve pain I managed to pursue career and I am still working. I think it's really important to stay active even though we are in pain. With time I learned what is helping me and how to reduce levels of pain so I managed to live life and be happy despite this shitty neuropathy. 


@Bloomer My giver also swore that she didn't have any type of symptoms and didnt know she had HSV. I guess me contracting it later in life maybe allow it to penatrate deeper into my nervous system. You reminded me that I also had the pudendal nerve burning for a while.  I thought it was isolated there at one time before I learned how this virus affects the whole body and nervous system. 

What have you found that works or helps with this? I keep hoping for some therapeutic to be developed in time but it seems like there is nothing closer than 5 years away. I hope I have the strength and courage to endure the level of what you have endured and still find enjoyment in life. Trying to find ways to best manage this nueropathy. 



@Seeker1960 I contracted HSV in my twenties and still had serious issues so God knows does age of contracting HSV plays some role in severity of symptoms.

I tried almost everything under the sun in order to put my symptoms under control. At the end the most helpful thing was native propolis which apparently works like immune booster and antiviral and taking St John wort but in liquid form and very high quality which I was ordering from France. I must point out that you need to be very catious with St John wort since it's forbidden to take it if you are already taking antidepressants or birth control pills for example so it's good idea to consult your doctor before taking any supplements or herbal remedies especially if you are taking medication regulary or have chronic health issues. 

My wish is to try ozone therapy and glutathione infusions since they are used for treating neuropathy caused by diabetes or neuropathy of unknown origin. There is one member here on this forum who had success with ozone therapy and I've read several other testimonies about ozone therapy being helpful so I am willing to try. 

I am not advocating alternative tratments and natural remedies, I am a big believer in standard medicine and medication but unfortunately in my case standard antivirals didn't help me so I was forced to explore natural remedies in hope they will relieve my symptoms.

If you ask me, Pritelivir is the only thing that has a chance to be approved. Unfortunately it will be available only to those who are immunocompromised but I believe that will time it will be available for everyone. It's curently in phase 3 of clinical trial and from what I've read this phase will end in 2024. At first they planned it to be finished in 2023 but they had trouble with recruiting participants.

Don't lose hope, you've already had tough time with this virus and had resolution of nerve pain. This time will be the same, it just takes time in order to nerves calm down. 


@Bloomer I appreciate you sharing you experiences. I too believe that alternative medicine can help where conventional medicine fails. I am experiencing something new in my symptoms. I feel funny in my head and It comes and goes. Feels like a pressure with a mild headache at the top of my head. Pressure is behind the nose and makes my nose feel a little numb or tingle. Also having a light headed feeling. So I have another issue to look into. I am hoping it too will just die down on it's own.

I am taking the Lion's Mane daily but I am not 100% sure what  effect that it is having. My nueropathy seems lessened a lot but not to the level of before. I am going to look at the native propolis and the St John's wort. I want to keep my immune system as strong as I can.

I was reading about XVAX and that the company applied for Investigational New Drug status. I don't know if they were approved but it made me wonder if that could accelerate it's development and human trials. It is supposed to be a different vaccine approach than the others.

The first company to market with a cure will be instantly a multi-billion dollar company.

Thank you for your positive an encouraging words. I wish you continuing success in managing of symptoms. 


@Seeker1960if I remember correctly, you can contract GHSV1 after having a longstanding OHSV1 but apparently only if you are immunocompromised. I remember reading about this long time ago but can't remember where I've read it. 


@Bloomer Thanks for the response. It would be interesting to see if anyone on this forum was infected with GHSV1 after having OHSV1.  I've heard that previous uninfected could get it in both locations.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Bloomer said:

@Seeker1960I forgot to ask you do you ever have symptoms of urethritis or trouble urinating? 

I've had urethritis and I had some trouble fully emptying my bladder. It was like a dribble sometime but not lately and not for sometime. I am 62 years old so the plumbing in general can act up a bit anyway.

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