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Info on the Western Blot

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Hi Guys

I hope everyone is doing well. I would just like some info on the western blot test.

As I understand there are different strains of HSV, some that will not be detected by die normal type specific IgG tests. 
My question is, will the Western Blot be able to detect them? Also has anybody had the spinal tap done for confirmation by PCR if it does not show up on IgG tests.

I have no lesions that can be swabbed for to do PCR test on, but I am experiencing a lot of atypical symptoms. Had the IgG done at 4 months but still came back negative.

Any help will be appreciated!


The Western Blot is the Gold Standard for testing. I didn't test positive on the igm or igg test for like 5 months. The West Blot confirmed I have HSV1. You have to order it through the University of Washington as I remember. They send you a kit with a tube and shipping box. It has to be shipped overnight as I recall. I don't think they offer it out of the US but I'm not sure. You should give them a call.

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