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Did anyone else on suppressive treatment never get Covid?

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Hi guys

I’ve been positive about 13 years, had lotsssss of issues in the first few years. Monthly outbreaks, huge self esteem and mental health issues. They put me on acyclovir and it didn’t stop the outbreaks, but a while later they put me on Valacyclovir and it’s done wonders for me. I haven’t had an outbreak in the past 5 years and I’m currently pregnant, feeling really happy 🙂


Anyway, I’m one of the few people I know who has NEVER tested positive for Covid. Basically everyone I know has had it at least once. My partner has it right now and I still haven’t got it. I’m wondering if my daily anti-viral might be helping haha 


Has anyone else experienced this or is it just a coincidence?


Thanks 😊



Congratulations on your pregnancy! That is such a blessing! ❤️🙂❤️ !!!

In regards to your question, that is really interesting! Covid is a virus, and antivirals are used to treat it, however I think the type of antiviral used (such as Paxlovid) is different than the ones for H and Shingles. I found this interesting article that talks about viruses and antivirals and it talks about herpes! https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-its-so-hard-to-make-antiviral-drugs-for-covid-and-other-diseases/ 

The article explains, “Coronaviruses are pretty tricky,” Seley-Radtke says. Simple nucleotide mimics like acyclovir won’t work, because these viruses have another protein that acts as an editor, monitoring the polymerase’s work, recognizing the decoy and cutting it out." So, I don't think they would exactly work or protect you from Covid, but I honestly don't know!

I hope this helps! 🙂  Congratulations again!!! 🚼💛🍼🐣




Thanks Grace! I appreciate it. I’ll look into it 😊


Yes I know it sounds strange but my partner has it currently and I’ve not isolated from him and still never got it, so the antiviral was kind of the only thing I could pin it down to. But will read up on it 😁


and thank you! Exciting times ahead for sure 

  • 2 weeks later...

You owe it to your baby to get a Covid vaccine. You will have alot to do when the baby comes and you don't want to have long Covid. Covid is dangerous for mother and baby. 


I never said I didn’t get vaccinated. I had both vaccines and a booster.

Just got covid last week and it was very very mild. Both myself and baby are happy and healthy.

Guess Valacyclovir didn’t help, or pregnancy lowered my immunity 🤷‍♀️ 😂

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