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Inside my mouth - HSV1

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Hello friends,

I was trying to find the answers to my questions in recent posts because I’m sure this has been asked SO many times it might get boring but the amount of posts is overwhelming so here I go.


I was just diagnosed with HSV1 about 2 months ago and started having symptoms a month ago. But, after reading some of you I think I am more confused than I was before 😅 

I have seen some of you saying that HSV transmission is done skin to skin, yet my doctor (didn’t have a pleasant experience tbh) said that it could have even been someone I shared a drink with, meaning saliva, could you clarify? Maybe what I read was referring to HSV2? 

 Second, I am taking valacyclovir and have been noticing more pimples than usual, even during my period. Have someone had a similar side effect? Would changing medications works or is it basically the same components? 

Also, I read there are some foods that could trigger the outbreak to be worse, is there any type of food I should be avoiding? 

Finally, do you have any tips on how to prevent a bigger spreading inside my mouth? And anything that has helped with the horrible sore throat? (I get sores in the back of it so eating and even swallowing my own saliva is painful)


I am seeing tons of information on GHSV and tips like: keep it clean and dry, try a topic antiviral but… I can’t keep the inside of my mouth dry even if I tried lol 

It would help me tremendously to hear from you and appreciate your help 💜

Ps: thank you for reading this far



I do not have oral HSV1 so I don't exactly know a lot about it but I can answer the questions about triggers and acne. 

Everyone is different so having herpes is kind of like a guessing game.  Everyone will have their own triggers.  I've read people saying, chocolate or junk food can give them outbreaks.  Since you have HSV orally, maybe it could be the things you ingest.. so caffeine, alcohol, or carbonated drinks.  Stress, fluctuating hormones', being sick or having a weakened immune system can also be a trigger for some people.

I haven't read anywhere that antivirals have a side effect for acne problems but anything is really possible.  It just depends on how your body is reacting to them.



There’s clinically unsubstantiated claims that L-lysine can help suppress herpes outbreaks. I take 1000mg/day and 3000mg/day when I’m feeling symptoms coming on. Without a control group I can’t attest to any success or failure of this regimen. 

There is literature online regarding lysine/arginine ratios and foods that are higher in lysine than arginine. A quick google search of “lysine arginine herpes foods” should land you in the right place. 

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