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Is this herpes?

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Hi all. About 4 days ago I realised that I couldn't poop without severe pain. A day or two after that I started with extremely painful spots all around my anus which have also spread to my vagina. They don't really itch, just painful and uncomfortable. I went to the chemist and they gave me some anusol which is helping the pain when pooping but not really helping the spots. I have an appointment at my gp on Tuesday, but just wondering if this looks like herpes?




While visually Herpes can be misdiagnosed they certainly look suspicious. Yet to be sure those bumps need to be swabbed as soon as possible and PCR tested. Then you can get a definite answer if it is HSV and what type 1 or 2. Don't take any antivirals until you get swabbed as it will interfere with the test. 

Just understand whatever the outcome you will be able to deal with it and get through it. You are not alone and there is support out here. Feel better and stay strong.

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