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I'm a 28 year old male who I guess recently been diagnosed and I'm honestly broken and I feel as if life is totally done for me. All of my passions have totally died out and I feel no reason to enjoy the finer things in life anymore. Recently, I've received oral from a woman (girl A) who was HSV1 positive and according to her, she hasn't had an outbreak in years so she assured me that everything should be okay. She's also had multiple partners in which most cases she used protection and very rarely didn't (i.e with her ex boyfriend of 2-3 years). She said that every time she's given oral and her partners went and got tested, all of their tests came back negative. The day after the oral session, I hooked up with another girl (girl B) but I decided to take it easy with things due to being unsure of the nature of things. We were unprotected but nothing lasted longer than a minute long (penetration) as I wasn't feeling comfortable to follow through. I went and tested the following day and had to wait 5-7 days for my results. Girl B decided to get tested without me mentioning a word to her and her results came back before mine and guess what... negative! Also, every other woman I've hooked up with unprotected before girl A and girl B all had negative test results to my knowledge. And I've NEVER developed or had any symptoms... EVER! No sores, flu symptoms, fevers, or anything. So, my test results came back in and I'm having a hard time understanding the results but I think it's safe to assume the worst case scenario for me. But I just don't understand....

My results said:



Can anyone give me better insight as to what the hell is going on??? The "47.50" is highlighted red on my online results and we all know that red is always BAD. What does the "H" and the "N" mean??? I have no one to really consult to and it's currently 4:46am and it's eating me up inside. I can't sleep because my mind is EVERYWHERE right now. Life just feels pointless.

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Lol, dude. You almost certainly have oral herpes. That number is so high because you’ve likely had it since a kid. Around 50 percent of people aged 14-49 in the US have HSV1; worldwide 2/3 of the global population has it. Congrats man, you just found out you have something in common with the rest of the human race.

You didn’t get it from her. 

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@sadlostguy i agree, you have had this HSV1 for a long time and almost certainly orally. 

That does mean that YOU are potentially contagious to someone else via giving oral sex.  If anything, you are more risky to them and should be mindful of this.

It’s great you know, I wish the person who gave me genital HSV1 knew. She had oral HSV1 without ever knowing and my situation likely would be different if she had been aware.  

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