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My first herpes disclosure since testing positive

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I had to jump on here and share a positive story!!! I recently started seeing someone, and we’ve hung out a handful of times. He invited me to a NYE event and also got us a hotel (with two beds), and confirmed he didn’t want me to feel pressured into having sex right away. However, I felt that I needed to tell him my status since there was an off chance that NYE could go that way. I didn’t want to be in the throws of things and have him make a drunken decision that he later regretted. Today he invited me to watch him play hockey, and afterwards we grabbed some food. 

I had been hyping myself up all morning to have that talk. After we had food we walked to my car, and I asked him about NYE, and mentioned that although I know the intention is not for us to sleep together, I still wanted to talk. So I asked when the last time he was tested was and what his status was. He told me he was tested 3 months ago, and was negative. 


I then told him that I was positive for HSV-2, and I told him I knew that could be a dealbreaker and I asked if he had any questions. We talked about my symptoms, and I told him that I would do whatever I could to keep him as safe as possible. I explained that I haven’t had an OB since June and that if he wanted I would happily go on suppressive meds. I explained some of the statistics. He asked me about having children and how that would impact it, and I explained as much as I could. 

he grabbed my hands pulled me in for a hug, then kissed me and told me that he liked me so much, loved spending time with me, and that we would figure it out.

I met him on a regular dating app. I still have so much adrenaline, and I can’t believe how well he took it. I had to share this because I think so many of us are worried about the rejection, and i think as long as we’re open and honest, we can allow so many good things to come into our lives. He even bought me a bracelet that says “you fucking got this” as a way to keep my head looking on the bright side of things.

I did tell him that if he changes his mind later on, that I understand and would not fault him. So we’ll see how things go, I’m leaving any of the physical intimacy and how fast that moves in his hands. I want it to be 100% at his comfort level. I’m hoping to be able to followup in a few months with more good news 🥰



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  • 4 months later...
  • mr_hopp changed the title to My first herpes disclosure since testing positive
  • 4 weeks later...

@JespoWe’re not together. It was for other reasons. He seemed to be okay with my H status. But he had a lot of his own mental health issues that he needed to work through, and unfortunately I became his emotional punching bag. I’m back out in the dating world and I’m terrified all over again. 

  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

There will be plenty more men that will accept your herpes status. I've had HSV 2 since I was 23 years old and I am 66 now. There was no computer or online dating back then. I disclosed to everybody that I dated and gave them my phone number, obviously. Not one person ever came back saying they acquired it from me. I disclosed to my husband of many, many, years and he never even blinked an eye. He never acquired it from me either. He has since passed away and I have dated two men, one of whom I am still seeing (we are 9 months in), and both were accepting of my status. Neither of these men acquired herpes from me either. I take antiviral meds twice a day. The transfer from female to male is way less than the other way around. Using lots of lube is key! Because I've had this for so long, the virus sheds less. I guess this is one advantage to being older 😆 and having had this for a very long time. I feel like older people have known about Herpes for so long and know it's not a big deal. 


@SumshineHi Sumshine. Thanks for your input. I have a follow-up question for you. I’m a 54 yo male. HSV1 & HPV. When you say lots of lube is the key with the HSV, is that for like a barrier protection? Or not to chafe and irritate?

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