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Help! Found a small bump on bottom eyelid! What should I do??

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I know may just be freaking out, but I found a small bump on the bottom of my eyelid and when I blink, I keep feeling it in my eye. I thought it was a piece of cotton at first but upon further investigation found it to be an actual bump. Isn't this dangerous? What should I do??


Hey you need to stay calm. I know that you are on edge but every symptom is not directly or in directly related to HSV. I've had that bump up my eye lid. It will go away. You can get some eye lubricant or some antibiotic drops from your eye Doctor. Dangerous would be encephalitis or something like that. You're going to be okay after a while but stressing yourself will only make it worse. 

If you are having anxiety you might need to see a Doctor about it.

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