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Been itching down there and finally see bumps that look like a rash. Could this be HSV?

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I saw a post on HC that was probable you. Lost life? I know you are desperate for answers and extremely anxious. The person who answered you is a self proclaimed expert on all thing Herpes. He gives diffinitive diagnosis that you don't have Herpes if you don't follow the exact typical symptoms. 

Trust what you understand. Your body. You know when you started getting the symptoms. You know it was after a sexual encounter. You know you tested negative for all STD's. You test negative for HSV but you are not sure because you have to wait up 16 weeks to get an answer. 

I belive you will get that answer by the 16th week eitherway. If you test positive I believe it will likely show that you are  newly infected with HSV1 although HSV2 is a possibility. 

If you keep going to the old schools of thought on HSV you are going to get answer based on an old limited understanding of how the works and the atypical manifestation if neuropathic symptoms of the virus.

If they knew so much they would have developed a vaccine. It's the new researchers who are making progress and getting the better understanding because they belive people like us.

Calm yourself down as hard that is to do. Then you can think clearer and also figure out how to approach management of your symptoms. 


Take care friend.

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