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Can HSV Cause ED and Orchitis?

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@Seeker1960 Sent you a reply back to your original pm. 

Thank you for letting me know about this site as well. Do you know if HSV can cause ED and Orchitis? Also, how accurate is the HSV 2 at 26 weeks igg?



Hey there @tweetsoc From what I read from others experience the HSV2 igg should be pretty accurate however there are some people who are positive that don't test positive on the igg test. A positive PCR swab of an active sore is definitive. HSV can irritate nerves like the prudendal nerve. I don't think anyone in the medical community would acknowledge the HSV causes anything but blisters and skin issues. I believe that HSV can trigger many issues that are not recognized because it replicates in the nervous system. So the answer I would say is that HSV is probably not a cause of ED or Orichitis but because HSV can affect everyone's immune system differently it would make think twice despite the medical community opinion. They don't have all the answers or we would have a cure by now.

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