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Exercise and Herpes...

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I used to lift weights before getting HSV. Since dealing with symptoms in November. I have not been able to do anything. I am constantly going through outbreaks and am trying natural antivirals such as Lion's Mane, Asganwandah, and Magnesium to manage my symptoms, but I'm not sure it's helping. I want so badly to gain my weight back and work out again, but I hear weight lifting can actually exacerbates HSV symptoms. How true is this for the rest of the community? Will I not ever be able to ever work out again?


Herpes is a guessing game.  Not all activities will make someone have an outbreak. 

I do not lift weights or have strenuous work outs so I can't fully answer your question but just because it makes other people break out, doesn't mean it will do the same to you. 

I would try to do the stuff you would normally do and see what the outcome is.  


I have been working out very consistently and have also had OB’s one right after the other. I’m taking valtrex daily and it breaks right through. It’s miserable. Maybe there is a correlation between working out and outbreaks! Seems like the healthier we are the less we should break out. 

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
On 1/19/2023 at 7:39 PM, Grace78 said:

I have been working out very consistently and have also had OB’s one right after the other. I’m taking valtrex daily and it breaks right through. It’s miserable. Maybe there is a correlation between working out and outbreaks! Seems like the healthier we are the less we should break out. 

@Grace78 I had my first outbreak in November 2022. I haven't gone 1 week without an OB since and have taken 1g Valtrex daily since December because that's all doctors can think to do in possibly helping me.  At 15, I was diagnosed with hidradenitis suppurativa, which have worsened since my initial ob. In my late 20s, I was diagnosed with idiopathic itching. I'm now being referred to infectious disease because my doctors do not understand why I'm not responding to treatment and think all of it might suggest autoimmune disorder. I'm also experiencing perimenopausal symptoms, which is likely contributing to the obs. Just an utter mess.  Anyway, I don't workout regularly and I'm still experiencing moderate symptoms. I say moderate because that first ob was AWFUL!  My partner and I haven't had sex in 7 months because of the discomfort I feel.  I feel sad for him... pretty sure he might die if we don't have sex soon. Funny, but not! I'm desperate, though. HSV completely changed my QOL. It's been hard.  Have you talked to your doctors about what may be happening with your lack of response to treatment?


I'm not sure where you are but look into Pritelivir trials which are starting in some countries. (Aus and US I think). It is aimed at immunocompromised or those who cannot take valtrex, so you might qualify. Good luck.
And re sex, there are other things you two can to together to ease the "stress" 😉


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