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Hormone levels and HSV

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I have seen several people mention hormonal changes may have an effect on HSV outbreaks. How true is this? Does that mean if you're testosterone levels are low, it can cause your HSV to act up even more. Conversely, if you correct your hormone imbalance, can that help reduce your frequency of outbreaks?


I think it affects females more. As they enter the change of life into pre menopause. Many females have said their symptoms get worse around their period and as they have gotten older. For men I don't think the testosterone levels have the same effect.


Actually, they can. For men, it's called andropause. Low testosterone levels can cause men to exhibit a variety of symptoms including decreased muscle mass, low sex drive, increased weight gain, hair loss, affect metabolism, and even cause hot flashes.


Your probably right but I haven't heard of any male associate their symptoms with those things but loads of female say how their symptoms were triggered by their monthly cycle and older age into menopause. 


I’m a 45 year old female with now constant outbreaks. I’m finally getting my hormones tested and likely going on replacement meds in hopes it will calm this crap down. It’s awful. I’ve had this for over 20 years and have never had outbreaks this bad. There is no end to it and it’s a miserable existence. 

  • 2 months later...

Hi @Grace78 ,

gosh reading your reply is me to a T! 
I’m also a 45 year old female and had herpes for 26 years. My husband who is also positive rarely gets outbreaks, like hardly at all. I would have said that I got them 6 times a year until this year. All of a sudden it’s all the time. I’m taking antivirals which is kind of keeping it at bay. I have the tingling and it’s a bit bumpy but not ulcering. It’s such a downer as our sex life had just amped up again after a few years of - couldn’t be arsed syndrome ! 
I’m just praying for a bloody cure, I’m over having this virus!!!! 

  • 2 months later...

Hi! I’m just seeing your reply. Sorry for the delay. I have literally no relief. I’ve tried SADBE and that hasn’t worked. No antiviral works either..:I’ve been on them all. My only hope is Pretilvir but who knows when that will ever become available. I blame the Covid shot. I swear I wasn’t this bad until I took that vaccine. 


Hormones definitely make a difference for me. I never had an outbreak until around age 35 (had it since age 23), and it's gotten progressively worse as I've aged. I have one every period, and the last one was 3 weeks long with no relief from antivirals 😭

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