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Has anyone IgG negative ever infected someone?

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I've never had a out break and my IgG keeps coming back negative. My Dr. tells me I 'technically' dont have hsv and I should get counseling.  I'm almost positive I have it but because i keep testing negative my family support doesnt believe me too. Im suffering from left leg nerve pain and lip pain that showed up right after sex. I dont want to hurt anyone. I dont want to do what was done to me. The person i was with refuse to talk. If i test negative and have no outbreaks am i infectious? You dont just go around telling dates you're hsv positve without proof. Seems the only way to know for sure is if it happens to your mate, and that is aweful. Help me with this please.


Comes and goes throught the day. It can feel like i have a mild sunburn on the inside or back of the thigh. Sometimes a prickly feeling. It can last days to only 30 min. Same with my lip. I feel tingling and then i start looking every 15min in the mirror and find a bump forming. I had a zit once and I was going to get swabed but a friend talked me out of it, they think im a hypo. So far abreva seems to nip it in the bud and knock it down and goes away within a day most times. The leg pain seems to show up almost every day in varying degree. Another question is i never seem to wake in the morning with leg pain. Always comes on after im awake?

20 hours ago, nothappy said:

I've never had a out break and my IgG keeps coming back negative. My Dr. tells me I 'technically' dont have hsv and I should get counseling.  I'm almost positive I have it but because i keep testing negative my family support doesnt believe me too. Im suffering from left leg nerve pain and lip pain that showed up right after sex. I dont want to hurt anyone. I dont want to do what was done to me. The person i was with refuse to talk. If i test negative and have no outbreaks am i infectious? You dont just go around telling dates you're hsv positve without proof. Seems the only way to know for sure is if it happens to your mate, and that is aweful. Help me with this please.

Hey @nothappy How long ago was the encounter that you believe you were infected. It takes a while for the antibodies to develop. I got a lot of nueropathy before I tested positive. So you could be infected and just not testing positive yet. So until you test negative like after 16 weeks or more I would err on the side of caution and presume that you are positive. 

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Yeah that’s true but also there is people like me and others who has HSV1 test equivocal for HSV2 at 19 weeks and are really prolly negative as well or get false positives. WB is the best way to go, which is what I’m doing just waiting for the kit to arrive. Usually most people test positive between 8-12 weeks and usually the number jumps. 


I was tested at 3mo and 9mo after intercourse. Thats not the question tho. I read about all these people testing neg on the IgG. Has anyone infected their partner(s) while negative with no psyical symptoms? Everyone on this forum contracted H. I believe most partners don't want to hurt and probably felt they were not contagous but here we are.... this is why we are here, no one will talk about it, no one discloses, and then they avoid. 

If you' re only experiencing internal nerve symptoms are you sheding virus? Someone has experice with this. 

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