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I just want to vent! A lot!

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I'm mad as Hell! I'm in constant discomfort and why? My 'giver' was a RN nurse. Trained in infectious disease. Took the hippocratic oath - do no more harm! She decided for me that I'd be ok without giving me a chance to decide for myself. As we dated we talked about herpes twice. She had several opportunities to disclose and it wasnt in the heat of the moment. First time we sleep together I show symptoms she discoses she has ohsv1. Then she turns into a bitch and gets mad at me for showing symptoms and blocks me on everything. Acting like a guilty person that already knows whats coming. Thinking back i remember a lot of things she said/did that didnt make sense at the time. Like she wants a gun because she's affraid someone is going to break into her house and hurt her. If you're doing this to people i now understand. Another thing is she liked to chew on my lip and lick my gums, for hours, it was so odd and not that enjoyable. I took it for playful oddness. Now I wonder if she was trying to gaurantee infection?  I want some answers from her!

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