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Initial Outbreak for 2 Months? GOING CRAZY! HELP

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Is it possible to have an outbreak for 2 months? i have had a soar throat and ear pain for 2 months now. Intense burning in my genitals also but that is getting better. I'm waiting for 12 weeks to test for HSV2. does anyone have a similar story? Could this be HSV? the stress is killing me. I feel like this will never go away.


HSV affects everyone differently according to how their immune system responds to it. Some have similar typical outbreaks then some others get a variety of atypical symptoms. Mine started with and itch and progessed into all kinds of stuff from intense burning, electrical shock feelings, night sweats, autonomic dysfunction and so on. It died down after a long while and it has only now come back to bother me with nueropathy. 

So, what I'm saying is be patient and stay calm. You can try antivirals but they didn't help me plus if you take antivirals it could delay your blood test from being accurate.



Thanks Seeker1960,

I think calmness is a luxury I will not having for a while. I still have 5 weeks to get to my 12. Even then it may be too soon. I was thinking of taking Valtrex to see if it helps but I wasn't sure if it would mess up my test. I'm glad you added that.

I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. How long were you getting all those symptoms? That's a lot to go through. 

  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/23/2023 at 1:24 PM, char68 said:

Is it possible to have an outbreak for 2 months? i have had a soar throat and ear pain for 2 months now. Intense burning in my genitals also but that is getting better. I'm waiting for 12 weeks to test for HSV2. does anyone have a similar story? Could this be HSV? the stress is killing me. I feel like this will never go away.

There’s no reason to wait, if you haven’t already tested go for it.  They say something like 2/3rd of ppl with hsv2 who are going to test positive by IGG will already test positive by 6 weeks post exposure.  

You can do it yourself through Jasonhealth.com. Order the hsv 1/2 IGG test and book an appointment at quest to draw blood. You’ll have results in 2-3 days. It’s maybe like 80 bucks or something like that. 

I waited until 16 weeks for Valtrex. I never had visual symptoms just all the other nerve problems.  A month of Valtrex (1 g 2x per day) has made that improve significantly - but not fully. I wish i had gotten on Valtrex the first week when my only symptoms were urinary related and the nerves hadn’t really gotten affected. 


Thanks @BayArea22

I had a negative igG at 6 1/2 weeks so I am trying again at 12 weeks. I have started Valtrex to see if that helps. 

What was your urinary problems? Was it burning? 


On 2/24/2023 at 5:43 AM, char68 said:

Thanks Seeker1960,

I think calmness is a luxury I will not having for a while. I still have 5 weeks to get to my 12. Even then it may be too soon. I was thinking of taking Valtrex to see if it helps but I wasn't sure if it would mess up my test. I'm glad you added that.

I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. How long were you getting all those symptoms? That's a lot to go through. 

Hey @char68 I tested at like 4, 6, 8,  and like almost 12 weeks and was negative. I tested positive on the Western  Blot at like 16 weeks. I tested positive on the igg after that. I think Valtrex can delay the development of antibodies and therefore can affect the tests.

My initial symptoms lasted like a year and a half with gradual improvement I guess as my immune system rallied back.

18 hours ago, char68 said:

Thanks @BayArea22

I had a negative igG at 6 1/2 weeks so I am trying again at 12 weeks. I have started Valtrex to see if that helps. 

What was your urinary problems? Was it burning? 


Hi. My experience started with an intense urinary urgency/frequency.  Another thing that most will claim isn’t related to HSV but I sure couldn’t  find any other cause to explain it.   I did not ever have painful urination or any sort of discharge, just a constant urge or feeling of needing to pee.  It lasted a couple of weeks, then gradually i noticed the other nerve and skin sensitivity type issues showing up.  Again, never any blisters, lesions, pimples, bumps, cold sores etc etc 

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