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Confused about HSV1 genital

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I’ve had HSV1 genital for 10 years. Only took meds the first OB. I went Beto the doctor this year and asked about medication. My doctor stated they don’t recommend medications bc of the kind I have. She also said I don’t need to disclose. I’m so confused 


sounds like terrible advice with no explanation. Geez, Id be confused too. Maybe search for another doctor who can really help you. I hope someone else chimes in. 

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I'm with @AnnieO — truly terrible advice! How often do you have outbreaks? Because if you have outbreaks at all, you should be able to have access to medication. You also should have access to meds even if you don't have regular outbreaks and want to take meds to cut down on asymptomatic viral shedding to keep partners safer. The reason some doctors (incorrectly) give that advice is because genital HSV-1 rarely gets passed genital-to-genital (Terri Warren says she hasn't seen a case of genital-to-genital transmission of HSV-1), but it's still possible. So the majority of genital HSV-1 cases occur from oral sex. (In fact, over 50% of all new genital herpes cases are HSV-1 from oral sex because so many people don't understand that going down on their partner when they have an active cold sore can pass it to their partner.) Genital HSV-2 is of course a different story; it is transmissible genital-to-genital. So disclosing this situation (as well as sharing how rare it is to pass it) is always the way to go. Disclosing is all about building trust and having a relationship that is based on openness and vulnerability, after all. 

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This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Not that often. Maybe once a year. I went bc I had started dating someone I really liked and wanted to marry so I wanted to see if medicine would help transmission. To be clear, she said I didn’t need to bother disclosing bc the majority of ppl have HSV1 and if he has ever had a cold sore then it wouldn’t matter if I disclosed. Turns out he never had one so I did disclose. Unfortunately, he didn’t want to move forward with the relationship after I told him. I’m sure if I pushed to get medicine, she would give it but yea I was just confused. 

  • mr_hopp changed the title to Confused about HSV1 genital

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