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Shaving and herpes transmission?

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i keep seeing the same things back and forth about shaving — that it may trigger outbreaks. And, if you’re negative, it might create small tears in the skin, making it easier for hsv virus to get in. 

My question is  little different. I am HSV2 positive. I found a *great* trimmer/clipper — the phillips oneblade — and it basically gives a MASSIVELY close clip/trim. i’m super pleased with the results. My question is — I have it, I didn’t trigger an outbreak. Did I create tears in the skin and now it’s easier to transmit to a negative person? Or does that only go one way. 


Welcome @laketodo!

When it comes to shaving and its potential to trigger outbreaks, the concern primarily lies with non-herpes carriers who may create small tears or breaks in their skin during the shaving process. These breaks in the skin can provide an entry point for the herpes virus, increasing the risk of transmission.

However, for individuals who are already HSV2 positive, it works a bit differently. The virus resides in the nerve pathways that connect to the surface of your skin. When an outbreak occurs, the virus travels along these pathways to either bring about an outbreak or asymptomatic viral shedding. Because of this, having cuts or abrasions on your skin doesn't give the virus better access to the surface or increase the likelihood of transmission to others.

So, in your case, using that specific shaver that provides a close clip/trim shouldn't create tears in the skin that make it easier to transmit the virus to a negative person. As long as you're not experiencing an active outbreak, the risk of transmission remains low.

It's worth noting that while shaving can sometimes trigger outbreaks for some individuals, it doesn't seem to be a concern with the trimmer you mentioned because it’s so gentle on your skin. However, it's always a good idea to pay attention to your skin's response and make sure to keep it well-moisturized and protected after shaving.

In summary, for individuals who are already HSV2 positive, like yourself, the risk of transmission doesn't increase due to cuts or abrasions from shaving. Just be mindful of your skin's overall health and any potential triggers that may cause outbreaks.

I hope this helps!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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