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Recent HSV2 Exposure and Symptom Questions

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Hello everyone, 

I’ve been reading through hundreds of these forums and really appreciate what a safe, nonjudgmental space has been made here. I never hop on forums but it’s made me feel comfortable in sharing my situation and seeking advice.

I recently was exposed to HSV2 by my friend who has it. He is asymptomatic, and never has had an outbreak to his knowledge.  Basically during some alcohol induced fun we were hooking up with the same girl. She gave us both oral, him first and myself after(M). I had never done anything like this, and I didn’t even think of STI’s in the moment and also didn’t know about viral shedding. 2 weeks later I started experiencing a dull ache in my right testicle that progressively has gotten more painful over the days and some nerve pain behind my eyebrow and eye weirdly. I also feel an occasional tingle in my urethra but it’s so minor I feel like I could be imagining it. Anyways,  I suspected possible epididymitis and got an ultrasound but it came back okay. I also got STI/STD tested and everything came back negative although I know I need to wait at least 12 weeks for a proper HSV blood test. The reason why I’m worried is because my friend had gotten testicular pain in the past and it prompted him to get tested and he then found out he had HSV2. I don’t know if it was related or not. 

My question is does anyone know if just a sore testicle could be a symptom of HSV2?? No other symptoms besides the occasional shooting electrical pain behind my eye area, and a tingly sensation in the urethra I feel like I could be imagining out of anxiety. 

The other question is it more or less likely to be contracted from being in a mouth considering it’s a mucous membrane? He and I had no skin to skin contact whatsoever. 

I’m over here anxious as ever and any advice helps. Thank you so much. 

17 hours ago, Soupdujour said:

Hello everyone, 

I’ve been reading through hundreds of these forums and really appreciate what a safe, nonjudgmental space has been made here. I never hop on forums but it’s made me feel comfortable in sharing my situation and seeking advice.

I recently was exposed to HSV2 by my friend who has it. He is asymptomatic, and never has had an outbreak to his knowledge.  Basically during some alcohol induced fun we were hooking up with the same girl. She gave us both oral, him first and myself after(M). I had never done anything like this, and I didn’t even think of STI’s in the moment and also didn’t know about viral shedding. 2 weeks later I started experiencing a dull ache in my right testicle that progressively has gotten more painful over the days and some nerve pain behind my eyebrow and eye weirdly. I also feel an occasional tingle in my urethra but it’s so minor I feel like I could be imagining it. Anyways,  I suspected possible epididymitis and got an ultrasound but it came back okay. I also got STI/STD tested and everything came back negative although I know I need to wait at least 12 weeks for a proper HSV blood test. The reason why I’m worried is because my friend had gotten testicular pain in the past and it prompted him to get tested and he then found out he had HSV2. I don’t know if it was related or not. 

My question is does anyone know if just a sore testicle could be a symptom of HSV2?? No other symptoms besides the occasional shooting electrical pain behind my eye area, and a tingly sensation in the urethra I feel like I could be imagining out of anxiety. 

The other question is it more or less likely to be contracted from being in a mouth considering it’s a mucous membrane? He and I had no skin to skin contact whatsoever. 

I’m over here anxious as ever and any advice helps. Thank you so much. 

Hi there! 

Testicular pain can have all sorts of reasons and doesn't necessarily mean you have contracted HSV, although, you might have noticed from reading through various posts and people's experiences on this forum, prodrome symptoms can vary from one person to the other. I can tell you that particularly sporty people can experience varicocele (a minor enlargement of the veins in one or both testicles) that can lead to a cramp like pain which comes and goes. 

For most people who've contracted HSV, the first outbreak will be one of the worst, and should you experience your first outbreak, then rest assured that the virus will make itself noticed! Many people, including myself, were bed-bound during the first outbreak and often experience fever and cold-like symptoms. I'd perhaps just look out for sores/rashes/bumbs that look like your typical HSV sore. Take a swab test if you do find any sores. Also, check with the girl how she is doing and if she is experiencing any symptoms.

All the best!

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Hi @Soupdujour!

It's great that you've reached out here for advice and support. First and foremost, remember that you're in a safe and nonjudgmental space here, and your questions and concerns are totally valid.

Regarding your situation, it's important to understand that testicular pain can have various causes, and it doesn't necessarily mean you've contracted HSV2. People can experience testicular discomfort for a variety of reasons, and it's crucial not to jump to conclusions. However, it's also wise to monitor any unusual symptoms and seek medical advice if they persist or worsen.

As @montereypop mentioned, prodrome symptoms for HSV can vary quite a bit among herpes-havers. The first outbreak (if it even occurs — 20% of HSV-carriers never have a physical outbreak) is typically the most severe and often comes with noticeable sores or lesions. It's good that you've undergone testing for STIs/STDs, but it's essential to keep in mind that HSV blood tests require at least 12 weeks to become accurate like you said (so enough antibodies can build up in the bloodstream to become detectable on a test). So, consider getting retested after the appropriate waiting period to confirm your status.

As for your mouth question, HSV-2 is rarely transmitted orally (only 2% of all oral herpes cases are HSV-2), so it's a very low probability that she would have transmitted it to you via her mouth to your genitals. And since viral shedding generally gets passed via direct skin-to-skin stimulation, the possibility of it being hopping from her to you based on your friend carrying HSV is slim to none. 

In any case, I recommend keeping open communication with your friend and the girl involved, as they might have valuable insights or information to share. If your symptoms persist or become concerning, consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation.

Remember, like you also said, anxiety can sometimes amplify physical sensations, so try to stay as calm as possible while awaiting test results and further guidance. We're here for you!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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