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IGG test after risk

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Hi everybody,

In the last months i had serveral oral sex risks. In june i got an unprotected BJ and july,august,september I (m) performed unprotected oralsex on 3 girls.

After developping cronic urticaria i did an std test.
I tested negativ for herpes in the past.

So in Lab1 i test 6 weeks after the last risk.
HSV-1 IGG 1,23 index Positiv
HSV-2 IGG negativ
HSV-1/2 IgM negativ
In November 2020 i was negativ in this Lab with 0.82 index.


In Lab2 i did a test 7,5 weeks after the last risk.
HSV-1 IGG 0,66 index Negativ
HSV-2 IGG negativ
HSV-1/2 IGM negativ.
In october 2019 i was negativ in this Lab with 0.19 index.

They tested my blood only 4 days after it was taken from my arm. Is this an issue ?
Schould i consider the first lab was an flase positiv ?

Thanks and sorry for my bad english.



Hey there @James.d,

It seems like you've got a bit of a confusing situation with those test results. I'll do my best to clear things up for you!

Firstly, IgG and IgM are types of antibodies your body produces in response to an infection. IgM is usually the first to appear and can indicate a recent infection, whereas IgG develops later on and can indicate a past infection or a more mature immune response.

Now, about the discrepancies between the two lab tests:

1. HSV-1 IgG Positive in Lab1 vs. Negative in Lab2:

Lab results can vary due to different testing methods or sensitivity levels used by the labs. A low positive IgG result, like a 1.23 index, can sometimes be a false positive, especially if it's near the cutoff point which is typically around 1.1. The fact that Lab2's result was below the cutoff supports the possibility of a false positive from Lab1 or a borderline result that could be interpreted differently by different labs.

2. HSV-2 IgG Negative in both labs:

This is consistent across both tests and suggests that you haven't been exposed to HSV-2, or at least your body hasn't produced a detectable level of antibodies to it.

3. HSV-1/2 IgM Negative in both labs:

Negative IgM in both labs suggests that you likely didn't have a recent infection at the time of testing.

4. Timing of the Blood Test Processing (4 days after blood draw):

This is typically not an issue. Blood samples can be stored for several days before testing, as long as they're kept under the right conditions. Laboratories have protocols for the storage and timing of tests to ensure accuracy.

So, what to make of all this?

You might consider the first Lab1 result to be either a low positive or a false positive, especially since Lab2's result was negative. It would be reasonable to follow up with another test a bit later to see if there's a clear trend in your IgG levels.

If you continue to get mixed results or borderline positives, there might be a need to go for more specific confirmatory tests, such as the Western blot test, which is considered the gold standard for herpes testing due to its high accuracy.

Remember, while forums and advice like this can provide guidance, they're no substitute for a medical professional's opinion, especially when it comes to interpreting test results in the context of your health history and symptoms. It's always best to discuss these results and next steps with a healthcare provider who can give you tailored advice.

Hope this clears up some of the confusion for you!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Hi @mr_hopp,

Wow thank you for all this informations. I will try to make a new test at 12 weeks.

For how long are IGM usually positiv?
Are IGG from 0.19 negativ to 0,66 an uptrend or can this be normal ?

Can an adult miss one first OB ? I rember that i had 2 little blister inside my lip in july. I d'ont know if liquid was inside but they disappeared after +- 4 days.
If an OB is inside the lip will it always come back inside the lip or can it move to outside ?

And last question atm 🙂 .Do you think there is a link between an herpes infection and urticaria.

Thank you in advance and have a nice day.


Hello again, @James.d

Thanks for reaching back out with your questions and for updating us on your situation. It's great to hear that you are planning to get retested at 12 weeks; this will give you a clearer picture of your herpes status. 

Let's answer each of those great questions:

  • Duration of IgM Positivity: IgM antibodies typically appear shortly after infection and can last for a few weeks to several months. But IgM tests are not always reliable for diagnosing herpes. This is because they can produce false positives and cannot distinguish between HSV-1 and HSV-2. So, IgG tests are generally preferred for herpes testing since they’re more specific and can differentiate between the two types of herpes.
  • Change in IgG Levels: The change in your IgG levels from 0.19 to 0.66 is an increase, but it's important to consider that this is still within the negative range. IgG levels can fluctuate, and slight variations can happen due to a number of factors. What’s crucial is whether the levels cross the positive threshold (usually around 1.1). Since your levels are still below this point, it’s considered negative, but monitoring for any trends in future tests can be helpful data-gathering.
  • First Outbreak: It is possible for an adult to miss the first outbreak of herpes, especially if the symptoms are mild or atypical. The blisters you mentioned inside your lip could be related to HSV-1, commonly known for causing oral herpes, but FYI, if they weren’t actual blisters but ulcers instead, those could have been a simple mouth ulcer (only a swab could confirm that). Herpes lesions typically recur at or near the same location where they first appeared due to the nerve pathways the virus follows. However, it's not impossible for them to appear in nearby areas (since nerve pathways do branch off to different sections of surrounding skin, much like tree branches). If the initial outbreak was inside the lip, it’s more likely for recurrences to occur in the same general area, though slight variations can happen.
  • Herpes and Urticaria: While herpes and urticaria (hives) are distinct conditions, stress or a compromised immune system can sometimes trigger urticaria. Since a herpes outbreak can be a stressful experience and can affect the immune system, there might be an indirect link. However, it’s best to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper assessment since many other factors can also cause urticaria.

It's good that you're seeking further testing and clarity here. But remember, it's super important to connect with a healthcare provider who can see you in person. That will always be the best way to get accurate guidance tailored to your personal health situation.

Wishing you the best on your journey to understanding and managing your health. Stay well!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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