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Can I transmit to somebody before a first outbreak

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i recently learned I have herpes which has been dormant for years before I experienced my first outbreak this month 

I’ve been with my partner for many years and he has never had an outbreak despite us being hit or miss with condoms 

if I’ve had herpes for years but never had an outbreak…was I still shedding the virus in a way that he would be able to get it from me? Like can you transmit it before your first outbreak if it’s always been asymptomatic/dormant? I know you can as a general rule but am having trouble finding this specific info online 

thank you 


The short answer is yes. Even people who never have an official outbreak but are carriers of HSV (which is 20% of all folks who have herpes) can still asymptomatically shed it. 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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