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Asymptomatic Shedding

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I have a question about Asymptomatic Shedding.   

A little history. I found out I had HSV2 12 years ago through a blood test after I got divorced.  My IGG was 2.2 and I got a Western Blot to confirm. I was monogamous for the 14 years of my marriage as well as my wife. I recall 1 time, about 4 years prior to my divorce, that I had a outbreak, but wasn't sure what it was. The outbreak was above the base of my penis and lasted about 4-5 days, wasn't painful or itchy, and I have never experience another outbreak since.

Upon finding out my diagnosis and I had my ex-wife tested, which came out negative.  In doing research I found that HSV2 in some cases can lay dormant for years. After my diagnosis, I went on suppressive therapy using Valtex.

I've been using Valtrex daily for 12 years now, have never experience an outbreak or prodrome syndrome. I read where your body can build immunity over time.  My question is, do I still shed the virus? And, would I shed the virus in the exact same place a my first breakout?  Is there a way to test to see if I'm shedding the virus if I'm not experiencing an outbreak?

Appreciate any insight that you can give.



Hey @Mrbuster

It’s great that you’ve been proactive with your health for 12 years. Even with daily Valtrex, you can still shed the virus, though the risk is much lower—around 50% less than without suppressive therapy. And the longer you have herpes, shedding tends to get lower and lower over time since your body gets better and better at recognizing it and holding it back from resurfacing.

Shedding doesn’t always happen in the same place as your initial outbreak, but it often does. Because once it finds a path from the nerve ganglia through the nerve pathways to the surface of the skin, that becomes the path of least resistance for future outbreaks.

Unfortunately, there’s no reliable test to detect asymptomatic shedding without visible symptoms (that'd be great if one did exist!), but continuing your suppressive therapy and taking precautions can greatly reduce the risk of transmission.

For specifics on shedding rates and other reliable data, you can download the free ebook and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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I can tell you that I've had hsv 2 since 1982 and I've been on acyclovir for a good 15 years. I've never passed it on to anyone. Even prior to the meds. Everyone always had my phone number because I always disclosed. My late husband never aquired it and we were together 25 plus years. He's been passed for 4 years now. I've dated several men with no problem passing it on. I'm now in a 6 month relationship with a man who has not aquired it from me. One thing I can strongly suggest in addition to the meds, is to use plenty of lube to prevent friction/tearing. Don't panic and overthink the shedding.

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