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Partner question…

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Hey yall so I’ve had hsv1+2 for 6 years now and my partner and I have been together for 2. They know I have herpes and is aware of everything it entails for me. They do not have it but support me in my journey with it and even tho they understand the reality that they will prolly get it eventually I am doing what I can to prevent that. We usually practice protected sex but not always so we can feel more intimate.

We had unprotected sex last night and today I have an outbreak. This is the first time this happened after having unprotected sex. I am on daily medication and double up if I have an outbreak. I’m wondering if I should give her some of my medication as a precaution. I will be calling my doctor for some assistance as soon as I’m out of work for more guidance. Any thoughts?


Hi @BallroomD!

Great question! The quick answer is no, don’t give your partner your herpes meds. It won’t provide any extra protection at this point. Your daily suppressive meds already help reduce viral shedding. Now, it’s just a waiting game to see if this recent outbreak led to transmission. She won’t know unless she experiences an outbreak or gets a positive blood test, which can take 12-16 weeks for the antibodies to reach detectable levels. So hang in there, and continue to keep communication open with your doctor and partner. And keep us posted, for sure!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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