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Herpes test results confusion

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Hi. I just posted yesterday about finding out I have genital herpes after accidentally infecting myself after touching my cold sore and then my genitals while wiping using the restroom.  I discovered the genital lesions around 8:15-8:30 am and immediately contacted the doctors office. I was t able to get an appt. With my regular obgyn and saw another dr. Her diagnosed based on visual inspection. It performed  swab culture test. This was around 1:30 pm. I just got my results that haven’t been verified by the doctor yet but they are negative. Is this likely because he didn’t get a good sample, or is it likely that taking the valtrex affected the result? Should I ask for a pcr test? I’m sure it’s herpes because there are multiple lesions in different places. Ironically not one of them is in the area I accidentally touched while wiping after accidentally touching my cold sore. They feel like paper cuts and are shallow and open. I never saw the “blister stage”I know that I would have a positive blood test because I’ve had HSV1 since I was a little kid. I’m devastated because I’ve always been so careful with my cold sores. Also, I started mg period the same day the sores developed. Does anyone have any recommendations. I’m wearing a pad because I was worried using a tampon could spread the infection to the inside of my vagina. I’ve been dabbing lightly when wiping using the restroom but it’s very uncomfortable having this happen with my period


I should add I just looked, I thought they did a culture test, but it says DNA not detected, does that mean it was a PCR test? Would that be affected by me taking valtrex earlier in the day before the test?


@Kdubz6534 It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed with all of this happening at once, especially during your period. The negative result could be due to an insufficient sample, as sometimes the swab may miss the virus if it’s not collected from an active sore. Valtrex can also affect the accuracy of tests, especially if taken early. It sounds like they may have done a PCR test, but it’s always good to confirm with your doctor. A PCR test is usually more sensitive than a culture, but timing and medication can still play a role. Keep communicating with your healthcare provider for the best guidance on how to proceed.

As for managing your period, using a pad and being gentle while wiping is a good approach. You’re doing everything right by being cautious. Hang in there!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

One should be cautious to not touch their cold sore then touch other parts of the body, yes. HSV-1 can and does infect down below, but, it is not so common for one to touch a cold sore then infect down below. 

It can happen, but it is not common. Your negative result, you should discuss with your doctor the questions you have with it. Since this doctor saw the area that was swabbed, etc you could ask them about the process of the swabbing etc.

Also, you can do antibody tests after 3 months for peace of mind.

Not a medical professional, but based on the contact you describe, it is very unlikely you spread it down there. You are quite rational to be careful though when touching an hsv-1 sore and that is good. 

  • mr_hopp changed the title to Herpes test results confusion

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