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I have an unusual situation

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Hi All, 38M, there's more in my post history but I'll do a quick Rundown:

A few years ago, I had protected intercourse with a partner. Since then I have had some distressing neurological symptoms (Thankfully less severe now than when this started in 2022.) I actually also had a very suspicious lesion in 2022 about 6 weeks after the encounter, which I went to the ER for (it swabbed negative). Every Blood test I have ever taken is negative, including 3 Western Blots, the third done just last month. 2 years ago, even before I did my first WB, my doctor told me he's 100% sure I don't have herpes - but I'm still not necessarily 100% sure myself.

At this point, I will not do any more blood tests. I have resolved to lose weight and see if that helps my nerves further.


My question: If you were me, this is something you think I should disclose to future partners? I actually had a neurologist tell me he think I don't have to at all.


I can do into more detail (timeline, symptoms, etc) if needed. TIA.


Hey there @NerdP423,

I get why you’re feeling unsure even after all those tests and doctor’s reassurances, especially with lingering symptoms. It’s a good move to stop testing and shift your focus to getting healthier overall.

As for disclosing to future partners, since your doctors (including a neurologist) believe you don’t have herpes and all your tests have been negative, it doesn’t seem necessary. That being said, it’s always good to have open communication with your partner about any health concerns for peace of mind.

Keep focusing on your well-being!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@NerdP423 You can demand that any future partners go into a lab and test with you for HSV. However, be aware that the blood tests are only accurate after 6 months from the last time they had sexual intercourse. I think mutual testing and commitment in a relationship is the best way to go about it. 

You came on here expressing your concerns openly and it seems this could be good for any current or future relationship you find yourself getting into.

I wish you the best luck on your journey of getting into more active food habits and or exercise that you are seeking out to be more fit to help with your neurological issues. 

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@TwoWitsEnd — Just a quick clarifying note: the window for HSV antibodies to show up is actually around 16 weeks (4 months), not 6 months. So after that 16-week period, blood tests become much more reliable (and even then, IgG tests still tend to be much less reliable than Western Blot, though).

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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