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Vitamin injections for herpes treatment / prevention?

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Hi all!

I recently received some advice from a doctor that I was recommended. I already knew that I had genital HSV2, but anyways we did the blood tests and I was once again confirmed that I had HSV2.

Beyond acyclovir, my doctor recommended vitamin injections (shots), specifically Vitamins B, C, and D to boost my immunity to prevent further outbreaks. I know that a healthy immune system is critical for reducing outbreaks. But has anyone heard about taking vitamin injections for this? Is there any benefit? Experience?

Thank you for your time and responses!


Hey there @bd2nbo!

Vitamin injections like B, C, and D are meant to support overall health, but there’s no solid evidence showing they directly prevent herpes outbreaks. And they tend to be expensive. That said, keeping your immune system strong in general can help minimize outbreaks, so your doctor’s advice makes sense in that context. A healthy diet, good sleep, and managing stress are crucial, too. So think about your health more holistically beyond just vitamins and how you get 'em in you! I would think there are ways you can get enough vitamins in you in a more traditional way (getting outside in nature, eating all colors of the rainbow, etc.) where you don't have to resort to injecting them in you. And If you’re considering the injections, it’s probably worth discussing further with your doctor to see if it’s the right fit for you. Let us know how it goes!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Thank you for the response here!

Everything you say resonates. I'm definitely working on those parts of health like sleep, diet, etc. beyond the vitamins. Just wondering if there was any merit... I'm meeting with a separate doctor tomorrow, and see what she says (though I know from experience that she is not that knowledgeable of herpes / sticks to the US drug recommendations on anything pretty much). 

I can report back what I hear!

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