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Whatever you do, don't allow yourself to get too out of shape

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Disclosure: All of the tests and doctors agree that I do not have HSV, but I myself am not 100% sure.

When my issues first manifested, I was in significant neurological pain and discomfort. As a result, I found myself eating all the time (partially because I was in so much discomfort, partially because I was - and still sometimes am (working on this part) - depressed).


I used to be in good-ish shape, but I shot up to almost 285 pounds. For the last few months I have been working out and I've lost some weight, but I just had to hire a fitness coach to help me continue. It makes sense either way; I don't want to be carrying around so much (literal) weight.

If you're reading this, I implore you to consider taking up fitness as a hobby. Make reshaping yourself a new goal. Time at the gym will help you forget your problems for a bit, and getting in shape and living a healthier life can't hurt.

If anyone has any questions for me, let me know. Thank you to Adrial and the rest of the community.



It sounds like you’re really putting in the work, both physically and mentally, and that’s huge. Hiring a fitness coach is an awesome step, especially since it gives you more structure and support in reaching your goals. And I love your advice on fitness—reshaping yourself, not just physically but also mentally, can really help when it feels like other things are out of control.

Keep going, and don’t hesitate to share how things are going with the community. We’re all here for the ups and downs, and congrats on the progress you’ve already made!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I definitely agree that exercise helps, especially with the mental aspect, so keep up the good work! 

But I’m curious - you said that all the tests are negative but you don’t believe it?

Why do you think you have HSV then? 

  • 2 months later...


Apologies; I'm just seeing this. The main thing that has been gaslighting me is my nerves and how they started feeling just a few days after being with my last partner.

A few days later, the right side of my lips started itching a burning, and I'd have tons of skin-crawling sensations and hot flashes near my eye, in front of my ear,

A few weeks after that, my groin started itching profusely ( It's possible it was some kind of diaper rash - I had surgery that required me to wear adult diapers for about 8 weeks.


But the itching turned into aching and a lot of pain in my thighs. Finally, about 2 1/2 months after the encounter, while scratching down that I saw what to me looked like an open sore so I went to the ER. they swabbed it and it came back negative.I continued to be in pain, to the point were at the behest of my boss I went to the ER again to be looked at because the pain had been so bad and nonstop for months that I was thinking of killing myself if it wouldn't stop. It was during this hospital stay that I concluded I needed the Western Blot, because no test has come back negative.


That was 2022. I had two Negative Blots in 2022, and another in August 2024. I have concluded that I don't need anymore blood tests, because if they were going to turn positive, they would have by now.


Even to this day, I still don't feel quite right a good bit of the time. I have never had any other external lesion that made me to to the ER; a trip to Urgent Care one day for something I saw down there turned out to be a pimple.


Also, I noticed my last partner has deactivated or closed her Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. I haven't tried to contact her since March of 2023 ( I was going to let her know that all my tests are negative but that I suspect she did something to me). Thats something I am trying to see if I can legally get some information on why that might be ( in an above-board, non threatening manner).


I have been thinking for a the last few days how I can get clarity, but I am not sure. I have some thoughts. I should really be writing them down lol.

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