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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook

You are so much more than a health diagnosis

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In January, I was completely devastated when I was diagnosed with HSV1. I created a shame filled story in my head that my life was essentially over and no one would ever love me. I was obsessively reading everything on herpes and even felt so low that I considered self-harm and called a help line. 

As a mother, I can’t believe the emotional low I experienced. 

My body healed, I had some counseling and my mind quietened a little. I also started taking a daily antiviral medication. 

I decided to join a popular dating site,  go on some dates and learn to live with this diagnosis. 

I met a fabulous man, who embodied everything on my list of desirable qualities. He was also attracted to me, we got along really well and shared similar values. 

I was terrified of telling him. 

We’d been dating for almost three months and I decided to take a chance and disclose. Up until this point we’d shared a kiss and cuddle but nothing further. 

My boyfriend’s response was so kind. He thanked me for telling him. He told me that he knew this was hard for me to talk about and said he knew this was something that happened to me. He asked me if I was saying that there was a small risk of transmission and I said yes. Then he told me he’d taken lots of risks with his body, kite surfing and snow boarding; and  it was all  okay. 

He held my hand and told me that he wanted to be with me and wanted a future with me. 

I’d printed information to give to him to read but he told me that it was okay, he didn’t need it. 

We’ve been together about five months now and HSV1 hasn’t been an issue. I haven’t been having outbreaks. I still take the antiviral and I do a lot of meditating and visualising complete healing. I’ve stopped obsessively researching and I’m more at peace with what happened. 

Adrial, thank you for providing this forum and your work in this field. Your wisdom really helped me. I hope this provides hope for those who are struggling to see their worth and a happy future after a herpes diagnosis. 

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I’m really moved by your story. It sounds like you’ve been through such a rough emotional journey but have come out on the other side with strength and grace. That takes a lot of courage. It’s awesome that your boyfriend responded with such kindness and understanding — that’s what real connection looks like. I know how scary it can be to disclose, but his response is a reminder that the right person will see *you* beyond the diagnosis. I’m so glad our forum and community have been helpful for you, and your story will definitely inspire others too! Keep thriving!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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I’ve been absolutely torturing myself since I found out I have it, having to tell my partner and then finding out he doesn’t have it. I’m glad you’ve got a person who is caring and loves you for you. Reading this made me really happy, so thank you for writing it.

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RainbowRubberDucks, I’m glad that reading about my experience made you happy. Reading about the positive experiences of others in this forum gave me hope when I was feeling bereft and hopeless. Wishing you well! 

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