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Idk what to do if valtrex isn’t working

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I was diagnosed with HSV2 about 15 months ago and I’ve been on valtrex for at least 6 months. The first 3 months I was on 500mg but I still always had prodrome symptoms and some mild outbreaks so my gyno put me on 1000mg of valtrex which I’ve been on for the past 3 months and I’m still getting outbreaks. I just had 2 outbreaks within 3 weeks of each other!

My infectious disease doctor said that usually only people who are immunocompromised might be resistant to valtrex but clearly it’s not doing anything for me since I’m no better than I was when I wasn’t on it. 

 Has this happened to anyone else where valtrex wasn’t working for them? I feel totally hopeless. I’ve seen so many doctors about it and everyone just says the valtrex should work but it’s not. I already take lysine every day and eat a very clean healthy diet. I avoid nuts, most chocolate, peas, coffee, processed foods, sugar (only natural), gluten and yet I’m still struggling. 

If anyone has experienced this or has any advice at all, please let me know. I don’t know what else to do at this point and it’s making me really sad. 



Hey @JJlove

I hear you — sounds like such a frustrating experience, especially when you’re doing everything in your power to manage this, and it still feels like the outbreaks just won’t let up. First, you’re not alone. I’ve seen a lot of people in this community go through similar struggles, and I want to remind you that this doesn’t mean you’re out of options. It just means your path to figuring this out is a bit more unique.

One thing to consider is double-checking that what you’re dealing with is truly HSV-related. Sometimes symptoms can mimic outbreaks but stem from something else — like a yeast or bacterial imbalance, skin irritation, or even another underlying condition. Getting a swab during one of these outbreaks can help confirm if it’s HSV activity or something else entirely.

If it is HSV-related, and Valtrex isn’t cutting it, it might be time to chat with your doctor about trying another antiviral like acyclovir or famciclovir. Everyone’s body processes medications differently, and sometimes switching things up can make a big difference.

You’re already doing so much with your diet and lifestyle — seriously, props to you for that level of dedication. But don’t underestimate the power of stress in all this. Stress can be a sneaky trigger, and it sounds like this whole situation has been pretty stressful. If you’re not already, think about finding ways to work in more relaxation, like meditation, yoga, journaling, or even just taking a moment to breathe deeply when things feel overwhelming.

Finally, if you’re feeling like no one has answers, it might be worth seeking out an HSV specialist like our friend Terri Warren. Sometimes they can help uncover triggers or solutions that your general doctor hasn’t considered.

It might feel hopeless right now, but it’s not. Keep pushing for what works for you. You’re on the right track just by reaching out and not giving up. Hang in there — you’ve got this. 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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