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Feeling worried

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I'm starting to panic a little. 

I had some weird symptoms recently and through some googling found myself in a panic about herpes. 

I was feeling pretty run down and having what felt like nerve pain in my buttocks and lower back. I checked thoroughly and couldn't see anything that looked like sores around my genitals but have some bumps on the back of my thigh that I thought were ingrown hairs but now I'm skeptical. 

Back in the summer I had a patch of blisters on the back of my thigh that I assumed was heat rash at the time given that it was 40 degrees and I had been outside all day. I never had any other symptoms at that time but now I feel like I have all of the classic symptoms but not the blisters?? 

Could it have been herpes this whole time? 

I'm freaking out because I just started seeing someone new and it's going really well but what if this ruins everything? Not to mention that we're a part of the same friend group and I'm terrified of the possibly losing everyone and hurting him if I'm diagnosed. 

I went and got tested just waiting for the results I'm so nervous

  • 2 weeks later...

So I got my results back and found out that they never even tested me for HSV??? I went back to a walk in clinic and they told me to come back if I had sores but they would only test me for the standard STDs. I don't understand 



Yeah, the testing situation for herpes is frustrating. Most doctors won’t test for HSV unless there are visible sores to swab, and blood tests aren’t always included in routine STI panels. It’s a messed-up system that leaves people feeling confused and in limbo.

From what you’re describing, it could be herpes, or it could be a bunch of other things—nerve pain, skin irritation, or just general stress making everything worse. Without a clear outbreak to swab, there’s no way to know for sure. If you ever get another patch of those blisters, getting them swabbed ASAP would be your best bet.

And I get the panic. The unknown is the hardest part. But even if it’s herpes, it’s not the end of anything—not dating, not friendships, not your life. It just feels that way right now because of the stigma. You’re still the same person you were before this worry popped up. Breathe. You’ll get through this.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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