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Does having HSV2 protect from getting HSV1?

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I’ve been doing some research and I’m wondering if you can clear this up. I’ve read that having hsv2 prior can protect from getting hsv1. Is this myth or truth? So thankful for this blog…



Yeah, you’re on the right track. It’s not a total shield, but having HSV-2 does offer some protection against getting HSV-1 later. Your immune system has already built up defenses against herpes, so if you were exposed to HSV-1, your body would likely fight it off or at least make it harder for the virus to take hold.

It’s not a guarantee, though. Some people with HSV-2 still get HSV-1, but it’s less common. The reverse isn’t true—having HSV-1 doesn’t do much to protect against getting HSV-2.

Appreciate you digging into this. The more we understand, the less power the stigma has. Keep the questions coming!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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