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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook

I'm grateful for all of you..

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Hello everyone :)

I know this is probably going to seem sort of random because I'm not a regular poster on this forum...


I had a pretty nasty first OB last December and as many other people do, I turned to google which eventually lead me here (thank god!). I lurked (and still do :P ) on this forum for a while, reading as many threads as I could. My first thought was probably something like "Are these people crazy? How can you all be okay with having H?!" But as I read more stories and advice I've learned that H doesn't have to define who I am, it doesn't have to ruin my life and my future relationships (even though it feels like it sometimes).

It feels good knowing that if I'm wondering about something regarding H, I can come here and no one will judge me, it's like a safe-haven for me!


Even though you are strangers and you have no idea who I am, you have done SO MUCH to help me in this difficult time of my life. I'm not saying I've truly accepted my HSV-pos status yet, but you guys give me hope!

I don't mean to sound too sappy here but I really wanted to thank you for being awesome people!


Keep up the good work :D

Hugs from a grateful fellow HSV-buddy.




Welcome - and so glad to meet you.... and now we are not "strangers" any more :)


You are still very much in the adjustment/acceptance phase and this is the perfect time to be here... in a place where we have a positive approach to being "positive".... I can't imagine what it is like on some of the boards where people are angry and negative. It sucks enough to have to go through the emotional and physical stuff without all that negativity....


AND.... it DOES get better. Promise :)




Hi Kathy....welcome :-). Yes this is a great place to be, and learn and feel you are accepted and not judged. Dancer is right...it does get better :-). I'm not on here as much now as I am so busy with life...gone are the days of feeling bad and being scared I would be alone forever. Two years ago I thought that...now I am with an amazing man, living somewhere else, have a great job - and H is just a small part of my life now.


Keep lurking and sharing...do things you love with people you love. Eat healthily, exercise, keep changing your negative thoughts to positive ones and surround yourself with people you feel good with.


And we might be strangers but we are all connected here and understand each other. I am so thankful for this forum..Adrial has created something amazing here :-)


Sending you a hug and lots of good thoughts...you will be ok :-) xxx



@Kathy ! Welcome. I am glad that you are here and that you have been lurking. I am pretty sure there are a lot of people that are lurking around. I know at first I was thinking the same thing.. How can these people possibly be happy with having H... But I know that I am happy and positive about my H.


Of course it doesn't define you. You are you. (: I am glad that you posted here. (:


I have an amazing boyfriend who does not have H.. He has been very supportive of me.. and he still wants to be with me.. Our relationship and bond has become a lot stronger ever since I told him that I have herpes.. because if I can tell him that then I can tell him anything.


Hi Kathy,


Welcome, and stay off Google. Searching for information on herpes via Google is a lot like trying to learn about gynecology by taking lessons from Larry Flynt. Sure, you might get some good information but the vast majority is just going to make you sick to your stomach.


You're in a safe place, and no one will judge you here. Well, unless you're a Red Sox fan, in which case I can't make any promises.


I'd say I'm glad you're here, but that's kind of pithy given the circumstances. Instead, I'll simply say welcome to the family. We're a little like the mob in that we all have an embarrassing skin condition that we don't talk about in public, will offer unconditional love and support, will defend you vigorously as if you were our own flesh and blood, and can practice tough love or unconditional support all in the same conversation.


Hi kathy!


I'm SO GLAD you've changed your lurking status to active status! ;) Welcome!


It feels good to hear how long you've come just by reading through other people's stories. And there are so many more lurkers out there than sharers, either due to the shame and stigma or shyness or any number of reasons ... And it's all part of the healing process. Lurking is actually part of healing, believe it or not. And only when we are ready do we come out to be supported and seen. There are varying levels of allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, to be seen for who we are and what we have. And ultimately being accepted for it. There is a profound shift that happens in that. And the most powerful shift happens when we actually can move into starting to deeply accept OURSELVES. Our community helps accelerate that shift, and ultimately it's up to each one of us to allow that shift to happen within us, too. That's what the Herpes Opportunity is all about. It's pointing to that awesome nugget in each one of us that gets to be dug up blasted out into the world. ;)


Our community is a special kind of support group. Instead of supporting one another in misery, shame and self-defeating stories, we support one another in living our best lives, loving and accepting life's challenges and gifts whole-heartedly. :)

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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