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Herpes outbreak on my leg!? Help

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So I have had so sign of a outbreak coming at all!! Today I'm drying off after my shower and on my leg I notice a round unclear type pimple it looks like fluid is in it but it doesn't hurt I didn't even know it was there until I saw it is this an outbreak I've never had one there so I'm so confused what do I do

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The thing about this condition is that you can never tell, and that's what sucks. I don't know if I can answer your question correctly, but it can show up in odd places like the leg. You could have it swabbed. But since it doesn't bother you and you've already been diagnosed then the only thing I could say is to leave it alone and avoid contact with other parts of you body.


Sorry this has happened. Try to relax. I was exposed in Nov.. diagnosed in Dec and I've been praying it doesn't make itself visible.

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Hard to tell - where was your original OB again? Usually the virus re-appears where you were first exposed/where it entered the body or within the nerve-bundle that is associated with that spot (ie, pretty close by)


You can always get it swabbed if it's filled with fluid to confirm... it doesn't hurt to know where you are likely to break out in future and if it's negative, you won't freak out if it happens in the future :p

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So I popped it lol idk if I should have there's still no pain just a slight irritation and it's just flat red skin now it was filled with a greenish pus so I have no idea what it is if it was a out break wouldn't it have really hurt to drain it? I'm confused but I put some tea tree oil on it for now

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