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My herp story


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Almost 4 years ago I was diagnosed with HSV2. I was irresponsible and slept with this guy from work and 4 days later I could hardly sit from the pain of what I now know was an outbreak. At first I just thought it was pain or a tear from sex because it was only my second time. Matter of fact I even met with a dr who examined me and said that's all it is and to not worry. Gave me instructions to put ointment on and I'd be fine.


2 days later I slept with him again. Told him to be gentle because it hurt so bad and what the dr and I though caused it and he said he was sorry for hurting me.a couple days passed and by this time we were hanging out and going on dates and he was introducing me to friends. I went back to the dr since there was still no relief and this one looks and said, "I'm pretty sure this is herpes!" I was shocked and was just bewildered that this happened and couldn't believe he never warned me! I called him shaking on my way to picking up my way-more-expensive-than-I-could-afford Valtrex! He said no and he was just tested for things. He said everything would be ok and we were still going to be together. I went over that night and cooked dinner while he kissed and consoled me.


About a week later he comes up to me at work and said his test came back negative. I couldn't believe him because I wouldn't know how else I got it and my dr said because of the timing it was most likely him.


I also worked with the other guy whom I slept with and lost my virginity to... Yes yes I guess that makes me the "home depot whore" .... And he said he was clean and I urged him to get tested again which he claims he did and it was still negative. Both of the guys were very sorry for me and both said they were negative.... So obviously someone lied and then I was "dumped" by who I think was my giver.


I thought my life was over... No kids, love, or sex in my future. I told everyone I knew that was close to me... Guys and girls and they were all shocked and sympathetic. I was so angry because out of all my friends I would be the last one anyone would think would have a chance of getting herpes. (Seriously, the summer before my girlfriends had a contest of who could make out with the most guys.... Some reached 30 even and I said to them.... It's more of a race to who will get herpes first, they laughed and went on anyways, and still have no consequences). It's odd how snide remarks like that hurt like hell! And I never fully have gotten over this! I was seeing one guy and he dumped me once he found out. Then a month later I found a guy that I spent 3.5 years with who did not care and we even have a 2 year old son!


I know it isnt a life ending thing but it feels like that lately! I'll write my current situation soon but I wanted you guys to know about me since I'm new to this forum! Thanks!!

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