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Possible herpes?

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Ok so I have this blisters right underneath my butt cheek. I've been researching all night and one of the symptoms of an H breakout is pain and flu like symptoms I have not experienced any of this has anyone experience an outbreak especially an initial where there was no pain or flu like symptoms?




Hello and Welcome!


In short, yes, it's *possible* that it could be Herpes. Herpes is a slippery little bugger - for some, their first OB is traumatic and painful with flu-symptoms and swollen glands...all the way to absolutely no symptoms at all.


Your best bet is to get to an OBGYN or Planned Parenthood (Don't go to a Family Dr... most of them are terribly behind on the latest info...) and get it swabbed ASAP... if they get a good catch the culture should give you a result pretty quickly...




Hi Melanie. I have... my initial OB was only severe itching for two days and later a few flesh like bumps near the opening of my vagina that I'd noticed but the doctor didn't... pretty mild. They didn't blister or anything.. I didnt get flu like symptoms and pelvis pain until Feb with no OB since the first.


Herpes is quirky... symptoms varies depending on the person.

Have you been diagnosed for confirmation... there are other things that cause blisters.


Well I went to the doctor this morning and off the bat he said it looked like herpes....he took a sample and prescribed me Valtrex. I feel so ugh.... I called my boyfriend and he's not upset but he's in shock. I can honestly say that my delivery was wrong I asked did he have unprotected sex with anyone besides one person that I know of he said no. He says as of now that he's not leaving me.... But we'll see. He said that I could've had it for years without knowing and he's right. I just recently divorced and my husband was out there so there is no telling.... I love this man so much but I honestly feel like our relationship will never be the same... I love him with everything in me. Ughhhh


I'm sorry to hear that this has come at what SEEMS to be an inconvenient time... it seems so much easier to go on without knowing, but everything happens for a reason even the "suckiest" of things. It is time to think positive, but to prepare yourself for whatever is to come. We all want things to stay the same and love the ones we are with. Nothing is wrong with that... I hope things grow stronger between you too. And I hope that you are sharing the love with yourself as well.


Yea I even through the "it's better not knowing stage" but I couldn't go on like is. It wouldn't have been fair to him or our love between us... He's going to get tested he tried today but I was called back into work. Y'all I love this man so much and it's like he understands that I could have gotten it years ago and am just now having an outbreak. We're going to chat tonight and I'm going to apologize for the way I came at him this morning. I don't want him to think that I was blaming him but of course we all have those questions that we feel needs to be answered. Throughout this day my spirits have gotten better earlier today I couldn't even function and to be honest it was because I was so caught in this stigma will ruin my life my relationship and possibly becoming a mother again. But then I had to think.... At least it isn't HIV or AIDS! I can go on with my life it may be uncomfortable at times but at least it's not "a death sentence" per sè. Thanks everyone


Hi Melanie


I would suggest getting him to join on here (we have a section for partners) so he can get his questions answered (or at least read everyone elses discussions... To be honest, 95% of what I answer on here every day has been answered 500 times on here ;)


If he refuses, print out the handouts for him so he has something to get answers from and tell him to NOT go on Google images or Yahoo chat groups - there are a lot of negative "support" groups out there that make this seem soooo much worse than it is....






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We're just ok right now but we're still together..... He admits that he may have been dumb in his past be he has reassured me that he isn't going anywhere.


You know what's weird??? It's like I've completely accepted having herpes.... I haven't cried I haven't worried about my love life it's. Its a great feeling....


You know what's weird??? It's like I've completely accepted having herpes.... I haven't cried I haven't worried about my love life it's. Its a great feeling....


It is I celebrated my 29th birthday this past Sunday with my partner and our kids and I enjoyed myself. I guess I've reached this point because I know that I wasn't the "cause" of me contracting herpes . Also I've been researching this disease and knowing that this is basically a skin-to-skin condition makes me feel better and knowing that it doesn't alter my abilities to have children is a blessing in its own right!

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