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Question - Had genital herpes (HSV1) outbreak, now having oral HSV1 outbreak

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I was just diagnosed with genital HSV1 a month ago when I had my first OB. The OB was only genitally not orally. I all of a sudden started feeling the tingling on my mouth yesterday, so I am assuming that I now am susceptible to an OB genitally and orally. I know it can't be that different because it is the same virus just in different locations but I was wondering what is the proper way to care for the OB orally?


I don't have any bumps or blisters yet it just has been tingling for about 24 hours.


I bought abreva at the drug store today and have been using that. I am concerned that when I apply the lotion I am spreading it on my lips and mouth area. Can it spread by applying the medication?

Also my lips are now chapped, can I apply chap stick with my finger to ease the discomfort or will that spread the infection too?


I was prescribed Valtrex to take during an OB (not everyday) and I don't know if I should take it for an oral OB as well? I read online that oral medication doesn't really work for oral OB. I do take a lysine supplement everyday just for prevention as well.


If anyone has any answers for me I would appreciate your feedback )




Can it spread by applying the medication?


No - the Abreva will kill it first IF indeed you have HSV1 oral.


Also my lips are now chapped,


Actually i would guess that the tingling is the chapped lips. When I get an oral OB the tingling is specifically where the sore comes up...when I get chapped lips I get tingling/burning all over. It's HIGHLY unlikely you have it in both places... not impossible, but the odds are really low. If you are that worried, take the valtrex... I take one and use something like Abreva on the sores and it disappears within a few days. But be careful....I don't know about Abreva but the Oragel stuff I used is really strong and really dried the area up where I have the sores (which is how it kills the virus).


Thank you dancer! I did not know it was unlikely to have them in both places. I don't have sores (yet) but the tingling if definitely there, which I never experienced from chapped lips before. Hopefully they are only chapped and no sore will arise.


Thank you for your advice!


You also might have a heightened sense of imaginary symptoms. I had one spot on my upper lip that tingled during my first outbreak. I was convinced that it was the beginning of an oral outbreak. I think it was information overload in my brain causing the feeling. It's since gone away and I haven't had a sign of a outbreak. It's been about a month. When you focus on something so much, like I'm sure you have on having herpes, it can play with your mind.


I agree with you 100%. I think my lips were just chapped and I had some type of placebo effect and convinced myself that I was feeling the tingle of the prodrome. Ever since I read dancer's response my tingle has disappeared...How is the mind that powerful! It's annoying lol.


Thanks for helping!

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