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Random thought... Kittens and love

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Growing up there was a neighborhood cat that my Mom would feed and pay attention to. This cat had a litter of kittens, and all wound up getting ocular (eye) herpes. My Mom had to treat them with drops for more than a month, and I felt so bad for these kittens as the outbreak in the eyes was horrific. Eventually it cleared. When it came time to adopt the cats out my Mom had to "disclose" to all the new owners about the kittens having herpes. And all of them were adopted out. And every new owner walked out with their kitty cuddling and snuggling with it.


I know it's a silly (but true) story. But I thought I would share. If all of those kittens could find love and acceptance, then there has to be hope for me. For us all. Have a beautiful and happy day my friends.....


Thanks for sharing. Not silly at all. :) My cat has always had the kitty herps, too! Ever since she was a wee kitty. And it hasn't had me love her any less ...


P.S. Hey, I would let go of that "hope." And move more and more into simply knowing on a very deep level that you're a badass awesome human being who by her very nature deserves love. 'Cause you know what? That's the damn truth. :) You don't need hope when you just know.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Haha... my kitty kat is coming over tonight to spend the night and the day tomorrow... and she's bringing me dinner. Sweet as hell, and that's why I'm not letting her H+ condition drive me away. :)


Thanks all. Last night was just a "dark night of the soul" for me. Around 10 pm I realized that nothing positive was coming from my head or heart. So I put it all out to the universe and went to sleep. Woke up this morning and felt brand new. The sun was shining, the sky a brilliant blue. It was while I was preparing to workout that I remembered that story. I hadn't thought of it in years. And I was inspired to put it out there just in case someone on this site was having a "dark" moment. Because thinking of it took my good mood and made it great....

And I agree @Adrial. I do need to work on "knowing". And thank you so much for your beautiful words. As I type this my own kitty baby is sitting next to my computer purring away. I don't know if she has the herp or not. But honestly, she could have every ailment known to man and I wouldn't love her any less....


This post made me smile. =]

Thank you for sharing!!! It reminded me when I adopted my pup, and she had mange. I did everything to fight for her little "skin problem" to get better. It did! Luckily hers was curable (we can wish!!!), but every day I held her when she was irritated, and bleeding.




Willow -


many of the virus's we humans get have an animal equivalent - doesn't mean it's the same strain, but it's in the same family.... so what they get is sorta like a cousin of HSV ;)

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