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Hey guys sorry I have been Mia lately haven't been on here in a whole I've been so busy and feeling great honestly. I actually kind of forgot I had the big bad H for a while and it felt amazing but for the last few days I've been feeling kind of uncomfortable down there not tingling or anything like that just uncomfortable feeling like I have to pee more no painful pee but just the urge and just feeling irritated no leg pain up until today I have slight back pain and a little soreness all over my body I've been taking one med a day since I felt this on Sunday along with lysine and applying yea tree oil is there anything else I can do to prevent getting an out break I have no sores yet but I really don't think I can handle an other ob right now I feel like I jinxed myself my bestfriend asked me last week how I was doing with it and my response was great no problems at all and now I'm here kicking my self for feeling like that :(


Hi @Sab. My doc told me that when I feel like an ob is coming on to take 1 gram of valcyclovir twice a day for three days and it should knock it out. And it works. Don't know which med you're taking but you may try doubling the dose for a couple days. Also, distraction... I don't know about you, but when I focus on the herpes it seems like almost an invitation to it to come out and play. So I hike. Let the meds take care of my body and the exercise take care of my mind. Also, if things are irritated down there I use a blow dryer after a shower and to really dry things out after using the bathroom. When having an actual ob I've found it to be a lifesaver. And please don't feel bad about feeling great. Feeling great, in my experience, is the best weapon we have in fighting this little virus. You deserve to feel great and be happy. Hope this helps...


Good advice from @hope..


Definitely hit it hard with meds for a few days...


Add Epsom Salts baths - drop the salts right between the legs ... 2-3 handfulls...helps dry it out - and then as @hope said, blow dry it. Also going commando helps a lot for some...certainly stay away from tight clothes or anything that doesn't breed.


And definitely distraction ... try not to obsess on it :)


((HUGS)) and welcome back :)


There's no sores or bumps it just feels irritated I'm wondering if I was using too much tea tree oil? It feels like razor burn it's weird

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