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my herpes story

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I have been observing this site and reading forums for months now and never had the guts to post something. At this point I figure what can it hurt. Right after I graduated high school I met this boy from a town next to my hometown. I fell head over heels for him. We never actually dated he went to school far away and I only seen him from time to time when he was home from school, still in my 18 year old school girl mind I thought I was going to marry him someday. He met a girl at college and was in a serious relationship with her for 3 years. I didn't speak to him once. Shortly after they broke up he contacted me on my birthday and we set up a date. First date and we clicked instantly it was like we knew it was meant to be after all that time. Our relationship progressed very quickly, I had pretty much moved in. There was talk of being engaged within a year and buying a house. It was literally my dream come true, it was everything I ever thought it would be. I was completely in love. After a couple months of dating I had what I thought was a yeast infection, that just kept getting worse. I went to the doctor and she told me the most devastating news I ever heard, that I had herpes. I went to him crying not sure how I was ever going to tell him. He was shocked at first but immediately after said that it didn't matter, we would get through it together. That we were going to get married anyway, and joked "now you're really stuck with me forever". We decided it didn't matter where it came from we were in love and we would get through it. Everything was perfect for about 4 months after that. Then all of a sudden he ended it, said he was confused and needed time to think. It turns out that one of his close friends of 8 or more years confessed her love to him. At first he denied her and said he was in love with me, swore our break up had nothing to do with her. Now 6 months later they are officially dating and moving in together probably as I am writing this. He told her and she of course accepting him for it having known him for years. He keeps in contact with him says he wants to remain friends, which has not been easy on me as for quite sometime he would still say he misses me and thinks about me and doesn't understand why, blah blah. I had a hard time letting go and am still dealing with it today, an even harder time accepting him and her. I truly thought we were meant to be. After 6 months I finally starting seeing someone new, taking it VERY slow as he is getting over a serious relationship as well. I do not believe in sex until monogamy and a relationship is formed, he knows this and is very respectful of it. But I am debating turning the other way, even though I know its not the right thing to do, I am absolutely terrified to tell him. Telling my ex was the hardest thing I ever had to do, and I already knew that he had it. I cant imagine telling someone who doesn't have it and expecting them to love me anyway, I am trying to be optimistic and not let it consume my life but I am having a very hard time with it. I am sorry for rambling but have been holding all of that in for quite sometime.

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O girl!!!! We have all gone thru tr same emotions you have right now. It's so scary to think " what if no one will love us" but I'm here to tell you, I was in a serious relationship for 3.5 years with a guy that was H-. And he totally accepted me for it. I think you need to tell your new guy probably soon. How long have you been together?! If you wait too long both you could end up hurting and that trust frigate you need in a relationship can really be ruined if you keep this secret for too long. Make sure you read Adrial's e-book! it will give you the confidence you need to go they with it. As for the whole ex situation... I am too dealing with a breakup. It will be 1 month on Saturday. I dunno if I'm still hurt from the breakup or it's the fact that he had another girl who he talks to and texts all the time. She was at his house 4 hours after we broke up and i packed!!! But e still claims they are not together!! I hate people that just can't admit their wrong doings. I don't know if your a religious person but prayer, exercising and improving myself had really lessened that nagging pain about the whole situation so maybe try something like that. Time heals all wounds and I really think you will be ok! Hope I helped a little bit....

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