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Met the nicest guy online....

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After being rejected by an old flame, I decided to try online dating. I was on one site and saw a profile of someone that intrigued me. I never sent a message or flirt or anything. I noticed that he had the same first name as my cousin, which is my grandfathers last name. No real bites on that site so I moved on. A co-worker suggested a site and I decided to give it a try. I posted a profile and guess who shows up in my matches??? That guy! The very next day, HE sent me a message. We chatted for about a week before deciding to meet. Well, needless to say, we've been together since then. This past week, I decided that it was time for "the talk". He was very calm when I told him, he asked some questions and said " Well, it's nothing we can't overcome. We'll take precautions and work around it." He could see that I was upset about having to tell him, but he assured me that everything was fine. Things are going well with us so far and he turned out to be a great guy, even though he's not my type.....




That's awesome!!!! So glad to hear your great news!


Things are going well with us so far and he turned out to be a great guy, even though he's not my type.....


Well, I don't know about you, but the guys who are "my type" haven't worked so far, so I've been trying to be more open minded about dating guys who I might feel are not what I might initially be attracted to ... so far it's not worked but I have had some really great "false starts" that didn't work because of other factors .... so I can see where this approach may eventually bring me success. So glad that it's working for you!!!


Hi FanC,



awesome news :) well my boyfriends never have never been my type neither but I never thought the outside the most important.part, they need this little something , can be nice smile , humor or whatever...good luck your great guy , hope it works out


@fanc Sounds like the dude you're dating is a mature real guy. I think there are too many people out there, when they hear the slightest bit of trouble they start running. People who are being real, and try to work things around an issue are refreshing (even if you guys aren't the same type or the relationship doesn't last very long (say 3 months e.g.) or just for sex).


I hope you rock his world and he rock yours. Good luck.

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