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ahhh i did it i told her I have herpes

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Yep I told the girl I been hanging with for the last few months that I have hsv2. She was mad at me for a day then came back over and talked with me . Said she was ok with it but was worried I would give it to her. Thanks to this website I have educated her about H and she is sticking around. Still have not had sex yet im more worried about it than she is. But im having some success now was super hard to tell her but glad I did it.




Good for you. Having integrity around this is sooo important to establishing trust in a relationship. I can tell you she got mad because she IS invested in you and this was just not on her radar...but I hope she now understands why you waited. Sooo - has she had a total STD panel done? I suggest that you say to her that you should BOTH go and get tested for everything (you can skip the HSV2 ... ) so that you know exactly where you stand....


So - are you going on the anti-virals? I suggest to people that they go on them for the first year of a relationship ... until you can see where it's heading and it allows the H- person time to learn as much as possible...then possibly discuss whether you want to go off them or not.


In the meantime, you DO know there are LOTS of ways to get intimate that will keep her safe? So maybe you can start there, until you get on the antivirals (you need at least 10 days to get good blood levels) and are comfortable with having sex..... don't rush yourself...but DO allow yourself to open up in other ways to her. You may find that it's the most amazing way to discover things about your partner in ways that you never thought possible... that is a very common occurrence around here :)




Good job bro. I'm proud of you and flexing that muscle of integrity in disclosing. It takes a special person to be vulnerable like that out of care for the other person and the budding relationship. Getting to know each other on deeper and deeper levels now is such a beautiful process. Like Dancer said, certainly no need to rush into things until it feels really exciting for both of you. Enjoy each step and layer of intimacy together. Soak it in.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Thanks it was a lot harder to explain than I thought it would be. I'm currently out of antivirals need to go to a doc and get a script with refills the hospital in Burlington didn't give me refills.


Side note: Interesting that your screen name is myownprison ... Did you see this thread? ;)


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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