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Herpes and forgiveness

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Herpes is an opportunity. It is in opportunity for us to forgive, to forgive ourselves and forgive others and perhaps be more compassionate than most people. Not sure if any of you received a negative reaction when you disclosed to a partner that may have been your herpes giver. I posted in my post called "Moving on" last week about how I told my ex and he just didn't handle it well and went m.i.a.


Well, he came around yesterday and wanted to talk to me. This conversation is quite personal. However, he said he went to get checked and visually the doctor said he was ok which I can attest to — I never saw anything. But he is waiting on his herpes blood tests. Long story short, he apologized to me for a lot of things. He said he never blamed me that this isn't my fault and it is quite common. He said he needed time to think and didn't want to hurt me with anything he said. I believe him that's how he is. He pretty much just speaks before thinking. But anyways I didn't want to get into this whole hairy conversation.


My point is I had decided to forgive him and accept an apology I never expected to get to free myself. Have any of you ever gone through something similar? I freed myself before this. WE have to forgive ourselves for being human. We are amazing. There is amazing healing in forgiving. It's part of us healing. I think if we get negative reactions, it's just ignorance, because I must admit prior to this happening to me I don't know how I would've reacted. Forgive yourself and forgive others for being ignorant and human. If you get rejected, know it is not you. Disclosing is part of the journey and it is courageous.


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Domh this is any awesome post on forgiveness and courage, compassion and empathy/ I totally agree with you and practising forgiveness makes you happier and healthier. I had a lot happen when I was younger that could have made me angry and bitter (I did get angry...just learned how to let it go :-) ). I realised forgiveness is about just this..realising the other person is ignorant and they just don't get it...! And when you choose forgivenss and let it go amazing things can happen.


My ex had an affair and I ended up leaving him after a long time of trying to work it out but he couldn't leave me or her. I forgave really quickly, just wanted to move on and figured it can't have been fun for her either and she would have had reasons to choose a married man. Years later she contacted me to apologize and asked meet up...I did and it was the most amazing connection ever, I was right with my intuition and what kind of space she was in at the time. Anyway she was able to forgive herself finally too and it was one of the highlights in my life.


So H is a gift...that pushes us to be more courageous and forgiving. Sending you the best hug Domh...great post!!!! :-)

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Wow that is amazing Leilani. You know I love reading your comments and posts you are like an H cheerleader when we need it. I was having difficulty explaining to my ex about viral shedding he wasn't understanding that and his dr. didn't really give him enough info on it. In that convo it came out that he had cold sores years ago and that's something i never though about cuz i never saw him with them. I was like light bulb perhaps he gave me this awhile ago during oral. I mean it's possible. Although I want answers and want to know how and who i received this gift from. I also don't want to go around being H investigator it's not going to changed anything and I have accepted this. Bottom line I've accepted this H and hope I gave him some insight. It just added to my peace already.

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GO you! haha an H cheerleader huh? Actually it helps me too, you know clarify things and get perspective. I have down times too but I know they will pass and they are just a kick to get practising nurturing myself and working out whey I feel like I do. I have gone through a lot in my life and actively pursued happiness lol..and you are right, its all about forgiveness,


Yep sheddings probably the way you got it and there's no point in hunting for the giver. You know you are handling things right when you feel more peaceful...and its about letting shit go and getting on with living :-) Love and light to you.x


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