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Question about disclosure

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Hello all:


This message board has been a god send. Thanks for all of the valuable info and support. I have a question about disclosure. I was diagnosed with HSV 2. If we use a condom and if I'm on daily suppressive medication, do I have to disclose for casual hookups? Beyond potential intimacy issues, are there any legal repercussions to not disclosing? The reason I ask is that a mental health care professional said that if it's a causal hook up you don't have to disclose especially if no one brings up a conversation about STDs. At the same time, I'm full well knowing i don't know what else they may have. Any thoughts and insights would be greatly appreciated.

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you have a responsibility to disclose. you are taking their choice away. the woman who gave it to me didn't disclose, we used condoms so they alone aren't 100%. don't be that guy.


and yes, in some states it is a crime to not disclose, both criminal and civil, so unless you want her to own your ass possibly id disclose or just give up on one night stands.

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If we use a condom and if I'm on daily suppressive medication, do I have to disclose for casual hookups?


Well, if it was the other way around, would you want to be told? Think about it ;)


And I agree - there ARE some states where you could be held responsible for any lost work, medical bills, and mental anguish associated with someone getting H if you didn't tell them.


The reason I ask is that a mental health care professional said that if it's a causal hook up you don't have to disclose especially if no one brings up a conversation about STDs. At the same time, I'm full well knowing i don't know what else they may have.


Well, "Medical Care Professionals" are often really out of touch about the realities of asymptomatic shedding ... Yes, the meds and condoms will drastically cut down the risk, and believe me, the fact that you know your status and you are going to take those precautions is great ... and I've been in 2 - three year relationships where the other person didn't get it from me, but you only need one "mistake" (forgetting a pill or condom breaks) to get pregnant, or to get an STD. ;)


AND, as you mentioned, you wouldn't know what they have. So having the talk at least will open that door and get a conversation going. Now, a bit of caution for you. If you are having casual sex, and you have the talk but don't actually see their results, you are taking their word for it that they don't have anything. The vast majority of people with H don't know they have it and most believe they have been tested but haven't thanks to the CDC's policy on not testing with standard STD tests. So if you DO have casual sex, know you are still taking a risk of another STD ... and your risk for getting HIV is higher because of the chance of having an OB which would be a conduit for the HIV virus to get in.


Check out these links ... they may help you to understand where we are coming from :)






http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/2056/semi-success-i-dont-know-just-read-it thiisgoingtobeok (Casual Sex Successful Disclosure)

http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/3271/first-disclosure-was-a-success-i-can-breathe-now- Rogue1313 (casual friend)

http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/3368/my-one-night-wonder Casual sex Willow



When to have the H talk Adrial
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