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I just told the guy I'm dating I'm HSV2 positive

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Hi, I'm 20 years old girl and this is my herpes story.


About 2 weeks ago I went to my gyno for a regular check up after not going for almost 2 years, I have never really thought about STDs, matter of fact, I don't think I knew what herpes was until I found I had it, in fact, I wasn't even planning on getting any STDs tests, but my doctor suggested it so I said why not, I took the exams only to find out that my last boyfriend left me with nothing more and nothing else than herpes and chlamydia, I never had any symptoms or OB, but there it was, I have herpes, and chlamydia, I freaked out and had a panic attack, I called a good girl friend of mine and told her what was going on, she tried to calm me down but I have been a nervous wreck ever since. I think the hardest part of herpes is the idea of having a "Stamp" on you forever, and forever is a creepy word.


Soon after I did my research and got educated about what herpes is, and the risks of chlamydia and everything else on the subject (for a few days all I did all day long was reading on the internet), I knew what my next step should be, and probably the hardest out of all this: telling the guy I've been dating for a few months now.


I told him I needed to see him to tell him something really important, but we had to wait a whole day before we could meet up, no need to say it was the longest day of my life, I thought he was gonna leave and get really mad, or feel disgusted by me, but he didn't, he came to my house and we sat on the stairs and I tried my best to best as honest and calm as I could without crying to not freak him out even more, I told I have had a boyfriend that I really trusted and that while I was with him I took birth control pills and we didn't use protection (my ex told me I was the only girl he had ever had sex without condoms, I was a real idiot I know), that I went to the doctor for a regular check up and found out I had herpes and chlamydia, that he needed to get checked as soon as possible and that I have never had any symptoms or OB, I explained him briefly what herpes is and how it is a virus that stays on your nerves for life and etc. He stayed quiet for a minute there and then he said "I thought you were pregnant and I was kinda happy and excited about it, I was thinking when we were gonna live and everything" then he laughed a little and he acted very supportive, we even watched a movie afterwards and kissed a bit and cuddled, I was really relief of his reaction because I honestly thought he was gonna hate me. (We have had sex twice only, always condoms, so it was really unlikely that I'd give him herpes, but chlamydia was very probable)


But of course, after that day he probably got on the internet, read a bunch of stuff like I did and got really nervous about all the stuff that he could have and not know just like me, he is been acting a bit distant since that (6 days now) and 2 days from now he is going to get his results for his STDs tests, I'm really scared that we stop seeing each other because I really like him and I was really happy after all of this went down, but if he decides not to, then I have to be ok with that because as much as I hate this and as mad as I am at my ex, it doesn't change the fact that I do have herpes and that if I had used condoms I wouldn't be here right now.


Anyways, I'm new in the forum, and I hope I can interact with more people dealing with this life changing disease.


Thanks for reading, <3


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